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Thursday 26 May 2011

6th Sunday of Easter

(UPDATES: Entrance hymn has changed and so has Resp. Psalm. Other links & lyrics have also been added. Thanks!)

Entrance    695 Glory and Praise to our God
Gloria     526 Coventry
Resp. Psalm   Psalm 66 Let all the earth (by Marty Haugen)
Gosp. Acc.    Aleluya Y'in Oluwa
Offertory     609 In bread we bring
Holy Holy    559 Farell
Mem. Acc.    561 Farell
Great Amen    562 Farell
Lamb of God    591 Berthier
Communion    627 This is my Body
        822 We Are Many Parts     -Marty Haugen
Final        920 A new commandment

Entrance: 695 Glory and Praise to our God

Glory and praise to our God,
Who alone gives light to our days.
Many are the blessings He bears,
To those who trust in His ways.

We the daughters and sons of Him,
Who built the valleys and plains.
Praise the wonders our God has done,
In every heart that sings.

In His wisdom He strengthens us,
Like gold that's tested in fire.
Though the power of sin prevails,
Our God is there to save.

Every moment of every day,
Our God is waiting to save.
Always ready to seek the lost,
To answer those who pray.

God has watered our barren land
And spent his merciful rain
Now the rivers of life run full for
Anyone to drink.

Gloria     526 Coventry Gloria

Cantor: Glory to God, glory in the highest, peace to his people peace on earth
All: (repeat)
Cantor: Lord God, heavenly King, almighty God and Father
All: (repeat Refrain)

Cantor: We worship you
All: glory in the highest
Cantor: Give you thanks
All: glory in the highest
Cantor: Praise you for your glory
All: (repeat Refrain)

Cantor: Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Lord God, Lamb of God.
You take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us

All: have mercy on us
Cantor: You are seated at the right hand of the Father, receive our prayer
All: receive our prayer
Cantor: (Refrain)
All: (repeat Refrain)

Cantor: For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord
You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God, the glory of God the Father

All: (repeat Refrain)
Cantor: Amen
All: Amen

Resp. Psalm    Psalm 66 Let all the earth (by Marty Haugen) (click on song #14)

Refrain: (first time cantor, then repeated by All)
Let all the earth cry out in joy to the Lord;
Let all the earth cry out in joy to the Lord!
(repeat first time only)

Cry out in joy to the Lord, all peoples on earth.
sing to the praise of God's name,
proclaiming for ever, "tremendous Your deeds for us."
(refrain: All)

Leading Your people safe through fire and water,
bringing their souls to life,
we sing of Your glory, Your love is eternal.
(refrain: All)

Hearken to me as I sing my love of the Lord,
who answers the prayer of my heart.
God leads me in safety from death unto life.
(refrain: All)

Gosp. Acc.    Aleluya Y'in Oluwa - (arranged by John Bell)

Eb        Ab         Eb
Alleluia, praise the Lord!
Eb        Fm         Bb
Alleluia, praise the Lord!
Ab            Eb          Ab       
Praises, high praises now bring to the Lord.
Eb        Ab         Eb
Alleluia, praise the Lord!

Offertory     609 In bread we bring
1st verse only:

In bread we bring you Lord, our body's' labour
In wine we offer you our spirit's grief.
We do not ask you, Lord, who is my neighbour,
But stand united now, one in belief.

O we have gladly heard your word, your holy word
And now in answer, Lord, our gifts we bring.
Our selfish hearts make true, our failing faith renew,
Our life belongs to you, our Lord and King.

The bread we offer you is blessed and broken,
And it becomes for us our spirit’s food.
Over the cup we bring your Word is spoken;
Make it your gift to us your healing blood.

Take all that daily toil plants in our heart’s poor soil,
Take all we start and spoil, each hopeful dream.
The chances we have missed, the graces we resist,
Lord, in thy Eucharist, take and redeem.

559 Holy Holy (Farrell Eucharistic Acclamations)

All parts:

Holy, holy, holy Lord God of power,
Lord God of might, Lord God of pow'r and might.
Heav'n and earth are full of your glory,
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest

Blessed, blessed, blessed, blessed is he
Who comes in the name, who comes in the Lord's own name!
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest


Memorial Acclamation 561

When we eat this bread and drink this cup
We proclaim your death, Lord Jesus Christ
Until you come in glory,
Until you come in glory,
Until you come in glory, Jesus Christ

562 Doxology and Great Amen
Priest: Through Him, with Him, in Him
In the unity of the Holy Spirit
All glory and honour is Yours, Almighty Father, Forever
All: Amen
Priest: Forever
All: Amen
All: Amen

Lamb of God    591 O Lamb Of God (Berthier)
O Lamb of God, O Lamb that was slain
O Lamb of God, have mercy on us
O Lamb of God, O Lamb that was slain
O Lamb of God, grant us your peace.

 627 This is my Body  

This is my body broken for you
bringing you wholeness, making you free
Take it and eat it and when you do
Do it in love for me.

This is my blood poured out for you
bringing forgiveness, making you free
Take it and eat it and when you do
do it in love for me.

Back to my Father soon I shall go
Do not forget me, then you will see
I am still with you, and you will know
you're very close to me.

Filled with my Spirit, how you will grow
You are my branches, I am the tree
If you are faithful, others will know
you are alive in me.

Love one another - I have loved you
and I have shown you how to be free
serve one another, and when you do
do it in love for me.

822 We Are Many Parts     -Marty Haugen 
We are many parts, we are all one body.
And the gifts we have we are given to share.
May the Spirit of love, make us one indeed.
One, the love that we share; one, our hope in despair,
one, the cross that we bear.

God of all, we look to you,
we would be your servants true,
let us be your love to all the world.

So my pain is pain for you,
in your joy is my joy too,
all is brought together in the Lord!

All you seekers great and small,
seek the greatest gift of all
if you love then you will know the Lord!

Final: 920 A new commandment

A new commandment I give unto you,
That you love one another as I have loved you,
That you love one another as I have loved you.

By this shall all mankind know you are my disciples,
if you have love one for another.
By this shall all mankind know you are My disciples,
if you have love one for another.

A new commandment I give unto you,
That you love one another as I have loved you,
That you love one another as I have loved you.

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