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Wednesday 28 September 2011

27th Sunday OT Yr A 2 October 2011 (Children's Mass)

Entrance 324  Jesus is Lord! 
Gloria        spoken
Resp. Psalm (not sung)
Gosp. Acc. Bernadette's Alleluia
Offertory       610 take our bread
Holy Holy             chant
Mem. Acc.
Great Amen
Lamb of God spoken
Communion 859 We have been told
               In Christ Alone
Final 735 We plough the fields and scatter

Entrance 324  Jesus is Lord!

1. Jesus is Lord! creation's voice proclaims it,
For by His power each tree and flower
Was planned and made.
Jesus is Lord! the universe declares it,
Sun, moon and stars in heaven
Cry, 'Jesus is Lord!'

Jesus is Lord! Jesus is Lord!
Praise Him with Alleluias
For Jesus is Lord!

2. Jesus is Lord! yet from His throne eternal
In flesh He came to die in pain
On Calvary's tree.
Jesus is Lord! from Him all life proceeding,
Yet gave His life a ransom
Thus setting us free.

3. Jesus is Lord! o'er sin the mighty conqueror,
From death He rose, and all His foes
Shall own His Name.
Jesus is Lord! God sent His Holy Spirit
To show by works of power
That Jesus is Lord.

Gloria                   spoken
Resp. Psalm (not sung)

Gosp. Acc.
Alle, Alleluia (Bernadette's Alleluia)

Alle, alleluia!
Alle, alleluia!
Alle, alleluia!
Alleluia! (repeat)

Offertory      610 Take our bread Refrain: Take our bread, we ask You, Take our hearts, we love You, Take our lives, oh Father, We are Yours, we are Yours. Yours as we stand at the table You set, Yours as we eat the bread our hearts can't forget. We are the signs of Your life with us yet; We are Yours, we are Yours. Your holy people stand washed in Your blood, Spirit filled, yet hungry, we await Your food. Poor though we are, we have brought Ourselves to You: We are Yours, we are Yours.

Holy Holy             chanted

HOLY HOLY CHANT  (pls. click to enlarge)

Mem. Acc.
Great Amen

Lamb of God spoken

In Christ Alone:
lyrics and chords:

In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
this Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone! who took on flesh
Fulness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones he came to save:
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied -
For every sin on Him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live.

(a capella or very light instrumentation)
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain: 
(increasing volume/crescendo)
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave he rose again!
(enter instruments, Forte)
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine -
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath.
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.

859 We have been told

We have been told. 
We've seen his face 
and heard his voice alive in our hearts. 
"Live in my love with all your heart. 
As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you.

1. I am the vine; you are the branches, 
and all who live in me will bear great fruit.

2. You are my friends, if you keep my commands, 
no longer slaves; I call you friends.

3. No greater love is there than this:
to lay down one's life for a friend. 

Final           735 We plough the fields and scatter

We plough the fields and scatter
The good seed on the land,
but it is fed and watered
by God's almighty hand;
he sends the snow in winter,
the warmth to swell the grain,
the breezes and the sunshine,
and soft, refreshing rain;

All good gifts around us
are sent from heaven above;
then thank the Lord,
O thank the Lord,
For all his love.

He only is the maker
of all things near and far;
He paints the wayside flower,
he lights the ev’ning star.
The winds and waves obey him,
by him the birds are fed;
much more to us, his children,
he gives our daily bread.

We thank thee then, O Father,
for all things bright and good;
the seed-time and the harvest,
our life, our health, our food.
No gifts have we to offer
for all thy love imparts,
but that which thou desirest,
our humble, thankful hearts.

Melody by J.P.Schulz (1747-1800), arr. By J.B. Dykes (1868)
Words by M. Claudius (1740-1815), tr. Jane m. Campbell (1817-78)

Thursday 22 September 2011

26th Sunday OT Yr A 25th September

Entrance 772 Lord Jesus Christ
Gloria spoken
Resp. Psalm 843 Remember, remember
Gosp. Acc. Melchizedek alleluia
Offertory 643 Gifts of Bread & Wine
Holy Holy spoken
Mem. Acc.
Great Amen
Lamb of God spoken
Communion He is Lord, He is Lord (2nd reading)
646 Welcome all you noble saints (Gospel)
Final 846 Amazing Grace

Entrance 772   Lord Jesus Christ (Living Lord)

Lord Jesus Christ you have come to us 
You are one with us, Mary's Son. 
Cleansing our souls from all their sin 
pouring Your love and goodness in 
Jesus our love for you we sing, 
living Lord. 

Lord Jesus Christ now and every day 
Teach us how to pray, Son of God. 
You have commanded us to do 
this in remembrance Lord of you 
Into our lives your power breaks through, 
living Lord. 

Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us 
Born as one with us, Mary's Son. 
Led out to die on Calvary, 
risen from death to set us free, 
living Lord Jesus help us see 
You are Lord. 

Lord Jesus Christ I would come to you 
live my life for you, Son of God. 
All your commands I know are true, 
your many gifts will make me new, 
into my life your power breaks through, 
living Lord; 

Gloria spoken

Resp. Psalm 843 Remember, remember
(Musicians: let's only repeat the chorus the 1st time, to make it more like a psalm. Can we also cut the interlude before the first repeated refrain in half? I'll explain tomorrow)

Gosp. Acc. Melchizedek alleluia
Refrain only:

Alleluia! Alleluia, Alleluia!
Alleluia! Alleluia, Alleluia!

Offertory 643 Gifts of Bread and Wine

Gifts of bread and wine, gifts we’ve offered
Fruits of labour, fruits of love.
Taken offered, sanctified.
Blessed and broken, words of one who died.

Take my body, take my saving blood
Gifts of bread and wine, Christ our Lord.
Christ our saviour, living presence here,
As he promised while on earth.
I am with you for all time,
I am with you in this bread and wine.
Take my body, take my saving blood
Gifts of bread and wine, Christ our Lord.

Through the father, with the spirit,
One in union with the Son.
For God's people joined in prayer,
Faith is strengthened by the food we share.

Take my body, take my saving blood
Gifts of bread and wine, Christ our Lord.

Holy Holy spoken
Mem. Acc.
Great Amen
Lamb of God spoken

646 Welcome all you noble saints

O, welcome all ye noble saints of old,
As now before your very eyes unfold
The wonders all so long ago foretold,
God and man at table are sat down,
God and man at table are sat down.

Elders, martyrs, all are falling down,
Prophets, patriarchs are gathering 'round
What angels longed to see now man has found,
God and man at table are sat down,
God and man at table are sat down.

Who is this who spreads the victory feast?
Who is this who makes our warring cease?
Jesus, risen savior, prince of peace,
God and man at table are sat down,
God and man at table are sat down.

Beggars, lame, and harlots also here,
Repentant publicans are drawing near,
Wayward sons come home without a fear,
God and man at table are sat down,
God and man at table are sat down.

Worship in the presence of the Lord
with joyful songs, and hearts in one accord,
and let our host at table be adored.
God and man at table are sat down,
God and man at table are sat down.

When at last this earth shall pass away,
when Jesus and his bride are one to stay,
the feast of love is just begun that day.
God and man at table are sat down,
God and man at table are sat down.

761 He is Lord *

He is Lord, He is Lord.
He has risen from the dead
And He is Lord.
Ev’ry knee shall bow,
Ev’ry tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord.

He is King, He is King.
He has risen from the dead
And He is King.
Ev’ry knee shall bow,
Ev’ry tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is King.

He is love, He is love.
He has risen from the dead
And He is love.
Ev’ry knee shall bow,
Ev’ry tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is love.

Final   846 Amazing Grace (Let's do the CLASSIC version tomorrow and sing the 1st verse a capella then instruments come in...)

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,

Thursday 15 September 2011

25th Sunday in OT 18 Sept 2011

Entrance 462 Gather your people, O Lord
Gloria spoken
Resp. Psalm
Gosp. Acc. 543 African Alleluia
Offertory 608 take my hands
Holy Holy spoken
Mem. Acc.
Great Amen
Lamb of God spoken
Communion 743 All that is Hidden
620 Lord, how can I repay
Final 731 For the fruits of all Creation

Entrance 462 Gather your people, O Lord (click on the speaker/preview icon)

Gather your people, O Lord.
Gather your people, O Lord.
One bread, one body, one spirit of love.
Gather your people, O Lord.

1. Draw us forth to the table of life:
brothers and sisters,
each of us called to walk in your light.

2. We are parts of the body of Christ,
needing each other,
each of the gifts the Spirit provides.

3. No more harm on the mountain of God;
swords into plowshares.
Free us, O Lord, from hardness of heart.

Gloria spoken
Resp. Psalm not sung

Gosp. Acc. 543 South African Alleluia (all parts-SATB)

Alleluia, Alleluia!
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Alleluia, Alleluia!

Offertory 608 - Take my hands

Take my hands and make them as your own,
And use them for your Kingdom here on earth,
Consecrate them to your care,
Anoint them for your service where,
You may need your Gospel to be sown.

Take my hands they speak now for my heart,
And by their actions they will show their love,
Guard them on their daily course,
Be their strength and guiding force,
To ever serve the Trinity above.

Take my hands I give them to you Lord,
Prepare them for the service of your name,
Open them to human need,
And by their love they'll sow your seed,
So all may know the love and hope you give,

Take my hands, take my hands O Lord.

Holy Holy spoken
Mem. Acc.
Great Amen
Lamb of God spoken


743 All that is hidden

If you would follow me,
follow where life will lead:
Do not look for me among the dead,
For I am hidden in pain, risen in love;
There is no harvest without sowing of grain.

Refrain (all:)
All that is hidden will be made clear.
All that is dark now will be revealed.
What you have heard in the dark
proclaim in the light;
What you hear in whispers
proclaim from the housetops.

If you would honour me,
honour the least of these:
you will not find me dressed in finery.
My Word cries out to be heard;
breaks through the world:
my Word is on your lips and lives in your heart.

If you would speak of me,
live all your life in me.
my ways are not the ways that you would choose;
my thoughts are far beyond yours,
as heaven from earth:
If you believe in me my voice will be heard.

If you would rise with me,
rise through your destiny:
do not refuse the death which brings you life,
for as the grain in the earth
must die for rebirth,
So I have planted your life deep within mine.

620 Lord, how can I repay

Lord, how can I repay
All you ever give to me?
Your endless love an eternal flame:
Lord, if you say the word,
I will take your blessing cup
And I will call on your holy name

1.I trusted, went on trusting,
Through the night of pain
In my anguish and affliction
Human help was vain (refrain)

2. In the service of your people
I will spend my days
Giving freely of my life-blood
As I walk your ways (refrain)

3. You unbound me, gave me freedom
You I gladly serve.
In thanksgiving I will offer
Praise without reserve (refrain)

4. In the service of your people
I will spend my days
In your temple, in your Church, Lord,
Singing endless praise (refrain)

Final             731 For the fruits of all Creation

For the fruits of all creation, thanks be to God;
for these gifts to every nation, thanks be to God;
for the ploughing, sowing, reaping,
silent growth while we are sleeping,
future needs in earth's safekeeping, thanks be to God.

In the just reward of labor, God's will is done;
In the help we give our neighbour, God's will is done;
In our world-wide task of caring,
for the hungry and despairing,
in the harvests we are sharing, God's will is done.

For the harvests of the Spirit, thanks be to God;
For the good we all inherit, thanks be to God;
For the wonders that astound us,
for the truths that still confound us,
most of all that love has found us, thanks be to God.

Words: Fred Pratt Green (1903-2000) © 1970 by Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, IL 60188. All rights reserved.
Music: Ar hyd y nos, All through the night, © Francis Jackson, Nether Garth, Acklam, Moulton, Yorks.

Sunday 4 September 2011

24th Sunday OT Year A 11 Sept 11

(UPDATES: 10/9 Just uploaded videos for vocal parts of Bless the Lord, my soul and No Longer I)

Entrance: 813 Bless the Lord my soul (Taize chant)
Psalm  hymn # 54 (by Fintan O'Carroll)
Offertory hymn  609 In bread we bring you lord
845  Forgive our sins as we forgive
397  No Longer I
End   849  God forgave my sins

Entrance: 813 Bless the Lord my soul (Taize chant)
with English ostinato verses:

Bless the Lord, my soul, and bless God's holy name.
Bless the Lord, my soul, who leads me into life.

Psalm  hymn # 54 (by Fintan O'Carroll) - optional

Offertory hymn  609 In bread we bring you lord

In bread we bring you Lord, our body's' labour
In wine we offer you our spirit's grief.
We do not ask you, Lord, who is my neighbour,
But stand united now, one in belief.

O we have gladly heard your word, your holy word
And now in answer, Lord, our gifts we bring.
Our selfish hearts make true, our failing faith renew,
Our life belongs to you, our Lord and King.

The bread we offer you is blessed and broken,
And it becomes for us our spirit’s food.
Over the cup we bring your Word is spoken;
Make it your gift to us your healing blood.

Take all that daily toil plants in our heart’s poor soil,
Take all we start and spoil, each hopeful dream.
The chances we have missed, the graces we resist,
Lord, in thy Eucharist, take and redeem.

845  Forgive our sins as we forgive  (we'll do it slightly slower than this video)

397  No Longer I
my version:
didn't know there was an existing video!

Refrain: (keyboard only first time)
No longer I, but Christ who lives within me:
this poverty; a treasure rich beyond compare.

(enter guitar)
The life we live is not our own.
Christ lives within us, the seed that must be sown.
Formed in the pattern of God's love.
We die to rise with the Lord.

We have been clothed in Christ,
children of freedom, of justice and new life.
To him whose dying set us free,
we give our lives, our liberty.

(enter violin)
Then may we bear the cross of Christ
and wear the brand-marks of Jesus in our flesh;
as wounded healers we become,
images of the risen one.

Bob Hurd, from Galatians 2:19-20;6:17.

Final Hymn 849  God forgave my sins (Freely, Freely)

God forgave my sin in Jesus' name
I've been born again in Jesus' name
And in Jesus' name I come to you
To share His love as He told me to

He said: 'Freely, freely, you have received
Freely, freely give
Go in My name, and because you believe
Others will know that I live.'

All power is given in Jesus' name
In earth and heaven in Jesus' name
And in Jesus' name I come to you
To share His power as He told me to