Entrance 821 The Kingdom of God
Gloria 532 Salazar
Resp. Psalm (not sung)
Gosp. Acc. 710 Celtic
Offertory 604 Lord accept the gifts
Holy Holy 553 Celtic
Mem. Acc. 554 Celtic
Great Amen 555 Celtic
Lamb of God 591 Berthier
Communion 735 We plough the fields and scatter
306 Spirit of the living God
Final 854 Bring Forth the Kingdom of God
Entrance 821 The Kingdom of God
The kingdom of God is justice and joy;
For Jesus restores what sin would destroy
God's power and glory in Jesus we know
And here and hereafter the kingdom shall grow
The kingdom of God is mercy and grace
The captives are freed, the sinners find place
The outcast are welcomed God's banquet to share
And hope is awakened in place of despair
The kingdom of God is challenge and choice:
Believe the good news, repent and rejoice!
His love for us sinners brought Christ to his cross:
Our crisis of judgement for gain or for loss
God's kingdom is come, the gift and the goal;
In Jesus begun, in heaven made whole,
The heirs of the kingdom shall answer his call;
And all things cry 'Glory!' to God all in all.
Gloria 532 Gloria! (Salazar)
Glory! Glory! glory to God!
Glory! Glory! glory to God!
1. Glory to God in the heights of the heavens
Peace to God's people, all people on earth
2. Son of the Father, all glory and worship.
Praise and thanksgiving to you, Lamb of God.
3. You take away the sin of the world
Have mercy on us, receive our prayer
4. Seated in pow'r at the right of the Father,
Jesus alone is the Lord, the Most High.
5. And with the Spirit of love everlasting.
Reigning in glory for ever Amen.
Resp. Psalm (not sung)
Gosp. Acc. 710 Celtic alleluia (Te Deum)
Alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia
(don't sing the verse)
Offertory 604 Lord accept the gifts (tune of Let us bow in adoration)
Lord accept the gifts we offer
at this Eucharistic feast,
bread and wine to be transformed now
through the action of thy priest.
Take us, too, Lord, and transform us,
be thy grace in us increased.
May our soul be pure and spotless
as the host of wheat so fine;
may all stain of sin be crushed out,
like the grape that forms the wine,
as we, too, become partakers
in this sacrifice divine.
Take our gifts, almighty Father,
living God, eternal, true,
which we give through Christ, our Saviour,
pleading here for us anew.
Grant salvation to all present,
and our faith and love renew.
Tune: St. Thomas (Tantum Ergo) from S. Webbe's Motetts or Antiphons
Sister M. Teresine Fonder (1897-1988)
Holy Holy 553 Celtic Liturgy
Holy, holy, holy Lord,
God of power and might,
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna, hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest
ACCLAMATIONS: 554 Celtic Liturgy
Christ has died, Christ is risen,
Christ will come again. (twice)
Great Amen 555 Celtic
Lamb of God 591 O Lamb Of God (Berthier)
O Lamb of God, O Lamb that was slain
O Lamb of God, have mercy on us
O Lamb of God, O Lamb that was slain
O Lamb of God, grant us your peace.
Communion 735 We plough the fields and scatter
We plough the fields and scatter
The good seed on the land,
But it is fed and watered
By God's almighty hand:
He sends the snow in winter,
The warmth to swell the grain,
The breezes and the sunshine,
And soft, refreshing rain.
All good gifts around us
Are sent from heaven above;
Then thank the Lord,
O thank the Lord,
For all his love.
He only is the maker
Of all things near and far;
He paints the wayside flower,
He lights the evening star;
The winds and waves obey him,
By him the birds are fed;
Much more to us, his children,
He gives our daily bread.
We thank thee then, O Father,
For all things bright and good,
The seed time and the harvest,
Our life, our health, our food.
Accept the gifts we offer
For all thy love imparts,
And what thou most desirest,
Our humble, thankful hearts.
306 Spirit of the living God
Celtic worship: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPm7nmudlKM
A capella: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShhUWVKZnEk
Gospel version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SST1vxJ886k
Spirit of the living God,
fall afresh on me;
Spirit of the living God,
fall afresh on me.
Break me, melt me, mould me, fill me.
Spirit of the living God,
fall afresh on me.
(repeat from beginning)
Final 854 Bring Forth the Kingdom of God
You are salt for the earth, O people:
Salt for the Kingdom of God!
Share the flavor of life, O people:
Life in the Kingdom of God!
Bring forth the kingdom of mercy,
Bring forth the kingdom of peace;
Bring forth the kingdom of justice,
Bring forth the City of God!
You are a light on the hill, O people:
light for the City of God!
Shine so holy and bright, O people:
shine for the Kingdom of God! (Refrain)
You are a seed of the Word, O people:
bring forth the kingdom of God!
Seeds of mercy and seeds of justice,
Grow in the Kingdom of God! (Refrain)
We are a blest and a pilgrim people:
Bound for the kingdom of God!
Love our journey and love our homeland:
Love is the Kingdom of God! (Refrain)
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