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Saturday 8 March 2014

1st Sunday Lent Yr A 9 March 2014

Entrance:  369 Litany of the Saints -   Walsh..
Gloria  - not sung
Psalm: Psalm 50 (51) 2nd response
Alleluia  Mass of light Gospel Acclamation for Lent
Offertory: 198 Ashes
Holy Holy: Mass of light
Memorial Acclamation: We proclaim - Mass of Light
206 40days and 40 nights
842 Come back to me (instrumental) -OPTIONAL
Final: 180 Led by the Spirit

Entrance:  369 Litany of the Saints (Walsh)

Saints of God, come to our aid!
Pray for us, O pray for us all!
Saints of God, come to our aid,
hear us when we call!

Verse 1
Holy Mary, Mother of God
St Michael
Holy angels of God
St John the Baptist
St Joseph
St Peter and St. Paul
St Andrew
St John
St Mary Magdalene

Verse 2:
St Stephen
St Ignatius
St Lawrence
St Perpetua & St Felicity
St Agnes

Verse 3:
St Gregory
St Augustine
St Ambrose
St Athanasius
St Basil
St Martin
St Benedict

Verse 4:
St Bernard
St Francis and St. Dominic
St Francis Xavier
St John Vianney
St Catherine
St Teresa of Avila
St John of God
St Clare
St Rose of Lima
St Thomas of Canterbury
St John Fisher and StThomas More
St Elizabeth Ann Seton
St Patrick
St Vincent de Paul
All Holy men and women

Gloria  - not sung

Psalm: Psalm 50 (51) 2nd response (response is different)

Gospel Acclamation: Gospel Acclamation for Lent Mass of light to (3:02)

Glory to you, O Word of God,
Lord Jesus Christ.
Glory to you, O Word of God,
Lord Jesus Christ.

Offertory: 198 Ashes

1. We rise again from ashes,
from the good we’ve failed to do.
We rise again from ashes,
to create ourselves anew.
If all our world is ashes,
then must our lives be true,
an offering of ashes, an offering to you.

2. We offer you our failures,
we offer you attempts,
the gifts not fully given,
the dreams not fully dreamt.
Give our stumblings direction,
give our visions wider view,
an offering of ashes, an offering to you.

3. Then rise again from ashes,
let healing come to pain,
though spring has turned to winter,
and sunshine turned to rain.
The rain we’ll use for growing,
and create the world anew
from an offering of ashes, an offering to you.

4. Thanks be to the Father,
who made us like himself.
Thanks be to his Son,
who saved us by his death.
Thanks be to the Spirit
who creates the world anew
from an offering of ashes, an offering to you.

Holy Holy: Mass of light (go to 5:30)

Holy, Holy, Holy,
Holy Lord God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are
full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the
name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna in the highest

Memorial Acclamation: We proclaim - (Mass of Light) (go to 6:20)

We proclaim your Death, O Lord,
and profess your Resurrection
until you come
until you come again.

Lamb of God (Mass of Light) (go to 8:30)

Lamb of God, you take away the sins
of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins
of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins
of the world, grant us peace.

206 Forty Days and Forty Nights

Forty days and forty nights
Thou wast fasting in the wild;
Forty days and forty nights
Tempted, and yet unbeguiled.

Sunbeams scorching all the day;
Chilly dew-drops nightly shed;
Prowling beasts about Thy way;
Stones Thy pillow; earth Thy bed.

Let us thy endurance share
And from earthly greed abstain,
With thee watching unto prayer,
With thee strong to suffer pain.

Then if evil on us press,
Flesh or spirit to assail,
Victor in the wilderness,
Help us not to swerve or fail

So shall peace divine be ours;
Holier gladness ours shall be;
come to us angelic powers,
Such as ministered to Thee.

Keep, O keep us, Saviour dear,
Ever constant by Thy side;
That with Thee we may appear
At the eternal Eastertide.

842 Come back to me (instrumental) -OPTIONAL

Final: 180  Led by the Spirit  (Bob Hurd) (tune: Kingsfold - same as "I heard the voice of Jesus say")
tune only:

1. Led by the Spirit of our God, we go to fast and pray
With Christ into the wilderness; we join his paschal way.
"Rend not your garments, rend your hearts. Turn back your lives to me."
Thus says our kind and gracious God, whose reign is liberty.

2. Led by the Spirit, we confront temptation face to face,
And know full well we must rely on God's redeeming grace.
On bread alone we cannot live, but nourished by the Word
We seek the will of God to do: this is our drink and food.

3. Led by the Spirit, now draw near the waters of rebirth
With hearts that long to worship God in spirit and in truth.
"Whoever drinks the drink I give shall never thirst again."
Thus says the Lord who died for us, our Savior, kindred friend.

4. Led by the Spirit, now sing praise to God the Trinity:
The Source of Life, the living Word made flesh to set us free,
The Spirit blowing where it will to make us friends of God:
This mystery far beyond our reach, yet near in healing love.

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