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Friday 24 January 2014

3rd Sunday of OT 26th Jan 2014

Entrance 824 City of God
Gloria - spoken
Psalm - Psalm 27 The lord is my light (Haas) - sheet music
Alleluia - 543 African Alleluia
Offertory - 872 My God accept my heart this day
Holy Holy - 490 (Mass of creation)
Memorial acc - 491 (Mass of creation) We proclaim
Communion - 871 Lord you have come to the seashore
855 Sent by the Lord am I
Final hymn - 325 Christ is our King

Entrance 824 City of God

1. Awake from your slumber! Arise from your sleep!
A new day is dawning for all those who weep.
The people in darkness have seen a great light.
The Lord of our longing has conquered the night.

Refrain: Let us build the city of God.
May our tears be turned into dancing!
For the Lord, our light and our Love,
has turned the night into day!

2. We are sons of the morning; we are daughters of day.
The One who has loved us has brightened our way.
The Lord of all kindness has called us to be
a light for his people to set their hearts free.

3. (coda) God is light; in him there is no darkness.
Let us walk in his light, his children one and all.

O comfort my people make gentle your words,
proclaim to my city the day of her birth.

4. O city of gladness now lift up your voice,
proclaim the good tidings that all may rejoice

Gloria - spoken

Psalm - Psalm 27 The lord is my light (Haas) - sheet music in email

Refrain: The Lord is my light and my salvation, of whom shall I be afraid?

1. The Lord is my light and my help; whom should I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life; before whom should I shrink?

2. There is one thing I ask of the Lord; for this I long;
to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.

3. I believe I shall see the goodness of the Lord, in the land of the living;
 hope in him and take heart, hope in the Lord!

Alleluia - 543 African Alleluia (click on #19)

Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia, Alleluia!
Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia, Alleluia!
Offertory - 872 My God accept my heart this day

My God, accept my heart this day,
And make it wholly Thine,
That I from Thee no more may stray,
No more from Thee decline.

Before the cross of Him Who died,
Behold, I prostrate fall;
Let every sin be crucified,
And Christ be all in all.

Anoint me with Thy heavenly grace,
And seal me for Thine own,
That I may see Thy glorious face,
And worship at Thy throne.

Let every thought, and work, and word,
To Thee be ever given;
Then life shall be Thy service, Lord,
And Death the gate of Heaven.

All glory to the Father be,
All glory to the Son,
All glory, Holy Ghost, to thee,
while endless ages run.

Holy Holy - 490s  Holy Holy     Mass of Creation (revised setting)  start at 5:28

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name
of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
Hosanna in the highest.

491s Memorial Acc. 1 -Mass of Creation (We proclaim)  start at 8:15
We proclaim your Death, O Lord,
and profess your Resurrection
until you come again, until you come again.

Great Amen: 495 (Mass of Creation) -optional start at 10:48

Amen, Amen, Amen (repeat)

Lamb of God Mass of Creation -optional  start at 12:41
Lamb of God, you take away the sins
of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins
of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins
of the world, grant us peace.

Communion - 871 Lord, You have come to the seashore

Lord, You have come to the seashore
Neither searching for the rich nor the wise
desiring only that I should follow.

O Lord, with Your eyes set upon me,
gently smiling, You have spoken my name;
All I longed for I have found by the water.
At your side, I will seek other shores.

Lord, see my goods, my possessions;
in my boat you find no power, no wealth
Will you accept then my nets and labour?

Lord, take my hands and direct them
Help me spend myself in seeking the lost
returning love for the love you gave me.

Lord, as I drift on the waters
be the resting place of my restful heart
my life's companion, my friend and refuge

855 Sent by the Lord am I   (No.10)

Sent by the Lord am I;
my hands are ready now
to make the earth the place
in which the kingdom comes. (repeat)

The angels cannot change
a world of hurt and pain
into a world of love,
of justice and of peace.

The task is mine to do,
to set it really free.
Oh, help me to obey;
help me to do your will. (refrain)

Final hymn - 325 Christ is our King - lyrics in video

Christ is our King, let the whole world rejoice!
May all the nations sing out with one voice!
Light of the world, you have helped us to see
that we are one people and one day we shall all be free.

He came to open the eyes of the blind,
letting the sunlight pour into their minds.
Vision is waiting for those who have hope.
He is the light of the world.

He came to speak tender words to the poor,
he is the gateway and he is the door.
Riches are waiting for all those who hope.
He is the light of the world.

He came to open the doors of the jail,
he came to help the downtrodden and frail.
Freedom is waiting for all those who hope.
He is the light of the world.

He came to open the lips of the mute,
letting them speak out with courage and truth.
His words are uttered by all those who hope.
He is the light of the world.

He came to heal all the crippled and lame,
sickness took flight at the sound of his name.
Vigour is waiting for all those who hope.
He is the light of the world.

He came to love everyone on this earth,
and through his Spirit he promised rebirth.
New life is waiting for all those who hope.
He is the light of the world.

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