Entrance Here I am to worship
Gloria: Mass of Creation
Alleluia: 261 Alleluia (Gospel Acclamation for Easter)
Offertory 600 All that I am
Holy Holy Mass of Creation
Memorial Acc - Mass of Creation
952 On Eagles’ Wings
964 Be not afraid
Final 866 I will be with you
Entrance Here I am to worship
Light of the world you stepped down into darkness,
Opened my eyes let me see.
Beauty that made this heart adore you
Hope of a life spent with you.
Here I am to worship.
Here I am to bow down.
Here I am to say that you're my God
You're altogether lovely,
Altogether worthy,
Altogether wonderful to me.
King of all days oh so highly exalted
Glorious in heaven above.
Humbly you came to the earth you created,
All for love's sake became poor.
(Repeat Chorus)
Bridge: (X 3)
I'll never know, how much it costs
To see my sin, upon that cross
Chorus (x2)
489 The Gloria (Mass of Creation – revised setting)
soprano: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyJXI3JUJ3w
alto: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxQ4DqZ6PrE
tenor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vGcQg5LTbY
bass: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnVRpn9uHBw
SATB a cappella: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtTrwNK8DOY
Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to people
of good will. (repeat first time)
We praise you,
we bless you,
we adore you,
we glorify you,
we give you thanks for your great glory,
Lord God, heavenly King,
O God, almighty Father. (refrain)
Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,
Lord God, Lamb of God,
Son of the Father,
you take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us;
you take away the sins of the world,
receive our prayer;
you are seated at the right hand
of the Father,
have mercy on us. (refrain)
For you alone are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High,
Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God the Father.
Amen. (refrain)
Alleluia: 261 Alleluia (Gospel Acclamation for Easter)
Offertory 600 All that I am
All that I am, all that I do
All that I ever have, I offer now to You
Take and sanctify these gifts
For your honour Lord
Knowing that I love and serve You
Is enough reward
(repeat verse 1)
2. All that I dream, All that I pray
All that I ever make I give to You today.
490s Holy Holy Mass of Creation (revised setting)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZmzLbmMfoU start at 5:28
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name
of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
Hosanna in the highest.
491s Memorial Acc. 1 -Mass of Creation (revised setting)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZmzLbmMfoU start at 8:15
We proclaim your Death, O Lord,
and profess your Resurrection
until you come again, until you come again.
952 On Eagles’ Wings
SATB http://youtu.be/kzA8B7XprU8
Soprano: http://youtu.be/k8yCsIiISS4
Alto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvSizG6iaFA
Tenor: http://youtu.be/UJf8xa7RQvQ
You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord,
who abide in His shadow for life,
say to the Lord: "My refuge,
my rock in whom I trust!"
And He will raise you up on eagles’ wings,
bear you on the breath of dawn,
make you to shine like the sun,
and hold you in the palm of His hand.
The snare of the fowler will never capture you,
and famine will bring you no fear:
under His wings your refuge,
His faithfulness your shield. (Refrain)
You need not fear the terror of the night,
nor the arrow that flies by day;
though thousands fall about you,
near you it shall not come. (Refrain)
For to His angels He's given a command
to guard you in all of your ways;
upon their hands they will bear you up,
lest you dash your foot against a stone. (Refrain)
And hold you in the palm of His hand.
964 Be not afraid
You shall cross the barren desert
But you shall not die of thirst
You shall wander far in safety
Though you do not know the way
You shall speak your words in foreign lands
And all will understand
You shall see the face of God and live
Be not afraid
I go before you always
Come, follow me
And I will give you rest
If you pass the raging waters in the sea
You shall not drown
If you walk amid the burning flames
You shall not be harmed
If you stand before the power of hell
And death is at your side
Know that I am with you
Through it all (Refrain)
Blessed are the poor
For the kingdom shall be theirs
Blessed are you that weep and mourn
For one day you shall laugh
And if wicked tongues insult and hate you
All because of me
Blessed, blessed are you! (Refrain)
Final 866 I will be with you
I will be with you wherever you go
Go now throughout the world!
I will be with you in all that you say
Go now and spread my word!
1. Come walk with me on stormy waters
Why fear? reach out, and I'll be there
2. And you, my friend, will you now leave me,
or do you know me as your Lord?
3. Your life will be transformed with power
by living truly in My name
4. And if you say: 'Yes, Lord I love you'
then feed my lambs and feed my sheep.
Hymn lists for 10:30 AM Mass Choir at St. Michael and St. Martin Parish Hounslow
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Friday, 26 June 2015
Friday, 19 June 2015
FHC Masses for 20th/21st of June 2015
Entrance: 706 - Praise to the Lord the Almighty
Gloria: SPOKEN
Gospel Acclamation: 178 - Halle Halle Halle
Offertory: 603 - Blest are you Lord
Holy Holy: Mass of Creation
Mem. Acc: Children's Eucharistic Acclamation.
Our Father: Echo version
Lamb of God: Mass of Creation
Communion 1: 760 - All heaven declares
Communion 2: 972 - Do not be afraid
Recessional: 966 - Walk with me, o my Lord
Entrance: 706 - Praise to the Lord the Almighty
Praise to the Lord, the almighty, the King of creation!
O my soul, praise him, for he is your health and salvation:
All you who hear, now to his temple draw near,
Join in profound adoration.
Praise to the Lord, above all things so mightily reigning.,
Keeping us safe at his side, and so gently sustaining.
Have you not seen all you have needed has been
met by his gracious ordaining?
Praise to the Lord, who will prosper our work and defend us;
Surely his goodness and mercy here daily attend us;
Ponder anew what the Almighty can do,
Who with his love will befriend us.
Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in us adore him!
All that has life and breath, come now in praises before him!
Let the Amen sound from his people again,
now as we worship before him.
Gloria: SPOKEN
Gospel Acc 178 Caribbean Alleulia (Halle, Halle, Halle)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXaKJs1rP1M (refrain only)
Halle halle Halle–luia ( 3 x)
Halle-luia! Halle-luia!
Offertory: 603 - Blest are you Lord
SATB: https://youtu.be/-Sb_ha2e8GA
Soprano: https://youtu.be/8vJca6Wixi4
Alto: https://youtu.be/4rn6DhchDqI
Tenor: https://youtu.be/fQv_d_muQqM
Bass: https://youtu.be/pzj8jAO2JCA
Blest are You, Lord, God of all creation,
thanks to your goodness this bread we offer:
fruit of the earth, work of our hands,
it will become the bread of life.
Blessed be God! Blessed be God!
Blessed be God forever, Amen!
Blessed be God! Blessed be God!
Blessed be God forever, Amen!
Blest are You, Lord, God of all creation,
thanks to your goodness this wine we offer:
fruit of the earth, work of our hands,
it will become the cup of life.
Holy Holy: 490s Holy Holy Mass of Creation (revised setting)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZmzLbmMfoU start at 5:28
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name
of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
Hosanna in the highest.
Memorial Acc Children’s Eucharistic Acclamations (Christopher Walker)
G Bm7 C D
Jesus has given his life for us
G Bm7 C D G
Jesus has given his life for us
D C#m Bm7
We praise You and we bless You
Em D/F# Em A7
We thank You Lord our God
D C#m Bm7
We praise You and we bless You
Em A7 G D
We thank You Lord our God
OUR FATHER Echo version
Who art in heaven (Who art in heaven)
Hallowed be Thy Name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Hallowed be thy name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Thy Kingdom come (Thy Kingdom come)
Thy Will be done (Thy Will be done)
Upon the earth (upon the earth)
as it is in Heaven (as it is in Heaven)
Give us this day (Give us this day)
our daily bread (our daily bread)
And forgive us (And forgive us)
our trespasses (our trespasses)
as we forgive (as we forgive)
Forgive those (forgive those)
who trespass (who trespass)
against us (against us)
And lead us not (And lead us not)
into temptation (into temptation),
but deliver us (but deliver us)
from evil ( from evil)
For the kingdom (For the kingdom)
The power and the glory (The power and the glory)
Are yours now (Are yours now)
And forever Amen (And forever Amen)
Lamb of God: Mass of Creation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOzhUeKZ79g)
Communion 1: 760 All Heaven Declares
All heaven declares the glory of the risen Lord
Who can compare with the beauty of the Lord?
Forever He will be (Forever He will be)
The Lamb upon the throne (The Lamb upon the throne)
I gladly bow the knee (I gladly bow the knee)
And worship Him alone
I will proclaim the glory of the risen Lord
Who once was slain to reconcile man to God
Forever You will be (Forever You will be)
The Lamb upon the throne (The Lamb upon the throne)
I gladly bow my knee (I gladly bow my knee)
And worship You alone
(Repeat verse 1 with descant)
Communion 2: 972 - Do not be afraid
Do not be afraid for I have redeemed you
I have called you by your name - you are mine
1. When you walk through the waters I'll be with you
You will never sink beneath the waves.
2. When the fire is burning all around you
You will never be consumed by the flames.
3. When the fear of loneliness is looming
then remember I am at your side.
4. When you dwell in the shelter of the stranger
remember you are precious sin my eyes
5. You are mine, O my child, I am your Father
and I love you with a perfect love.
Recessional: 966 - Walk with me, o my Lord
Walk with me, oh my Lord,
Through the darkest night and brightest day
Be at my side, oh Lord,
Hold my hand and guide me on my way.
1. Sometimes the road seems long,
My energy is spent.
Then, Lord, I think of you
And I am given strength (refrain)
2. Stones often bar my path,
And there are times I fall,
But you are always there
To help me when I call. (refrain)
3. Just as you calmed the wind
And walked upon the sea
Conquer, my living Lord
The storms that threaten me. (refrain)
4. Help me to pierce the mists
That cloud my heart and mind,
So that I shall not fear
The steepest mountain-side. (refrain)
5. As once you healed the lame
And gave sight to the blind
Help me when I'm downcast
To hold my head up high. (refrain)
Gloria: SPOKEN
Gospel Acclamation: 178 - Halle Halle Halle
Offertory: 603 - Blest are you Lord
Holy Holy: Mass of Creation
Mem. Acc: Children's Eucharistic Acclamation.
Our Father: Echo version
Lamb of God: Mass of Creation
Communion 1: 760 - All heaven declares
Communion 2: 972 - Do not be afraid
Recessional: 966 - Walk with me, o my Lord
Entrance: 706 - Praise to the Lord the Almighty
Praise to the Lord, the almighty, the King of creation!
O my soul, praise him, for he is your health and salvation:
All you who hear, now to his temple draw near,
Join in profound adoration.
Praise to the Lord, above all things so mightily reigning.,
Keeping us safe at his side, and so gently sustaining.
Have you not seen all you have needed has been
met by his gracious ordaining?
Praise to the Lord, who will prosper our work and defend us;
Surely his goodness and mercy here daily attend us;
Ponder anew what the Almighty can do,
Who with his love will befriend us.
Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in us adore him!
All that has life and breath, come now in praises before him!
Let the Amen sound from his people again,
now as we worship before him.
Gloria: SPOKEN
Gospel Acc 178 Caribbean Alleulia (Halle, Halle, Halle)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXaKJs1rP1M (refrain only)
Halle halle Halle–luia ( 3 x)
Halle-luia! Halle-luia!
Offertory: 603 - Blest are you Lord
SATB: https://youtu.be/-Sb_ha2e8GA
Soprano: https://youtu.be/8vJca6Wixi4
Alto: https://youtu.be/4rn6DhchDqI
Tenor: https://youtu.be/fQv_d_muQqM
Bass: https://youtu.be/pzj8jAO2JCA
Blest are You, Lord, God of all creation,
thanks to your goodness this bread we offer:
fruit of the earth, work of our hands,
it will become the bread of life.
Blessed be God! Blessed be God!
Blessed be God forever, Amen!
Blessed be God! Blessed be God!
Blessed be God forever, Amen!
Blest are You, Lord, God of all creation,
thanks to your goodness this wine we offer:
fruit of the earth, work of our hands,
it will become the cup of life.
Holy Holy: 490s Holy Holy Mass of Creation (revised setting)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZmzLbmMfoU start at 5:28
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name
of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
Hosanna in the highest.
Memorial Acc Children’s Eucharistic Acclamations (Christopher Walker)
G Bm7 C D
Jesus has given his life for us
G Bm7 C D G
Jesus has given his life for us
D C#m Bm7
We praise You and we bless You
Em D/F# Em A7
We thank You Lord our God
D C#m Bm7
We praise You and we bless You
Em A7 G D
We thank You Lord our God
OUR FATHER Echo version
Who art in heaven (Who art in heaven)
Hallowed be Thy Name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Hallowed be thy name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Thy Kingdom come (Thy Kingdom come)
Thy Will be done (Thy Will be done)
Upon the earth (upon the earth)
as it is in Heaven (as it is in Heaven)
Give us this day (Give us this day)
our daily bread (our daily bread)
And forgive us (And forgive us)
our trespasses (our trespasses)
as we forgive (as we forgive)
Forgive those (forgive those)
who trespass (who trespass)
against us (against us)
And lead us not (And lead us not)
into temptation (into temptation),
but deliver us (but deliver us)
from evil ( from evil)
For the kingdom (For the kingdom)
The power and the glory (The power and the glory)
Are yours now (Are yours now)
And forever Amen (And forever Amen)
Lamb of God: Mass of Creation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOzhUeKZ79g)
Communion 1: 760 All Heaven Declares
All heaven declares the glory of the risen Lord
Who can compare with the beauty of the Lord?
Forever He will be (Forever He will be)
The Lamb upon the throne (The Lamb upon the throne)
I gladly bow the knee (I gladly bow the knee)
And worship Him alone
I will proclaim the glory of the risen Lord
Who once was slain to reconcile man to God
Forever You will be (Forever You will be)
The Lamb upon the throne (The Lamb upon the throne)
I gladly bow my knee (I gladly bow my knee)
And worship You alone
(Repeat verse 1 with descant)
Communion 2: 972 - Do not be afraid
Do not be afraid for I have redeemed you
I have called you by your name - you are mine
1. When you walk through the waters I'll be with you
You will never sink beneath the waves.
2. When the fire is burning all around you
You will never be consumed by the flames.
3. When the fear of loneliness is looming
then remember I am at your side.
4. When you dwell in the shelter of the stranger
remember you are precious sin my eyes
5. You are mine, O my child, I am your Father
and I love you with a perfect love.
Recessional: 966 - Walk with me, o my Lord
Walk with me, oh my Lord,
Through the darkest night and brightest day
Be at my side, oh Lord,
Hold my hand and guide me on my way.
1. Sometimes the road seems long,
My energy is spent.
Then, Lord, I think of you
And I am given strength (refrain)
2. Stones often bar my path,
And there are times I fall,
But you are always there
To help me when I call. (refrain)
3. Just as you calmed the wind
And walked upon the sea
Conquer, my living Lord
The storms that threaten me. (refrain)
4. Help me to pierce the mists
That cloud my heart and mind,
So that I shall not fear
The steepest mountain-side. (refrain)
5. As once you healed the lame
And gave sight to the blind
Help me when I'm downcast
To hold my head up high. (refrain)
Saturday, 13 June 2015
FHC Masses Saturday 13th/14th JUNE 2015
Entrance 820 Seek ye first
Gloria spoken
Psalm spoken
Gospel Acc 178 Halle, halle, halle
Offertory 608 Take my hands
Holy, Holy plainchant
Memorial Acc Children's Eucharistic Acclamation
Our Father Echo version
Lamb of God 592 Mass of hope
Communion 721 How great thou art
956 I watch the sunrise
Final 360 As I kneel before you
Entrance 820 Seek ye first the kingdom of God
Seek ye first the kingdom of God
and His righteousness,
and all these things shall be added unto you;
Allelu, alleluia.
Alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia
Allelu, alleluia
Ask and it shall be given unto you,
seek and ye shall find;
knock and it shall be opened unto you;
Allelu, alleluia.
We do not live by bread alone
but by ev’ry word
that comes forth from the mouth of God;
Allelu, alleluia.
Where two or three are gathered in my name,
there am I in your midst;
and whatsoever you ask I will do;
Allelu, alleluia.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God
And His righteousness
And all these things shall be added unto you
Allelu, alleluia
Gloria spoken
Psalm spoken
Gospel Acc 178 Caribbean Alleulia (Halle, Halle, Halle)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXaKJs1rP1M (refrain only)
Halle halle Halle–luia ( 3 x)
Halle-luia! Halle-luia!
Offertory 608 Take my hands
Take my hands and make them as your own,
And use them for your kingdom here on earth,
Consecrate them to your care,
Anoint them for your service where,
You may need your Gospel to be sown.
Take my hands they speak now for my heart,
And by their actions they will show their love,
Guard them on their daily course,
Be their strength and guiding force,
To ever serve the Trinity above.
Take my hands I give them to you Lord,
Prepare them for the service of your name,
Open them to human need,
And by their love they'll sow your seed,
So all may know the love and hope you give,
Take my hands, take my hands O Lord.
Holy, Holy plainchant
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
Memorial Acc Children’s Eucharistic Acclamations (Christopher Walker)
G Bm7 C D
Jesus has given his life for us
G Bm7 C D G
Jesus has given his life for us
D C#m Bm7
We praise You and we bless You
Em D/F# Em A7
We thank You Lord our God
D C#m Bm7
We praise You and we bless You
Em A7 G D
We thank You Lord our God
OUR FATHER Echo version
Our Father (our Father)
Who art in heaven (Who art in heaven)
Hallowed be Thy Name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Hallowed be thy name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Thy Kingdom come (Thy Kingdom come)
Thy Will be done (Thy Will be done)
Upon the earth (upon the earth)
as it is in Heaven (as it is in Heaven)
Give us this day (Give us this day)
our daily bread (our daily bread)
And forgive us (And forgive us)
our trespasses (our trespasses)
as we forgive (as we forgive)
Forgive those (forgive those)
who trespass (who trespass)
against us (against us)
And lead us not (And lead us not)
into temptation (into temptation),
but deliver us (but deliver us)
from evil ( from evil)
For the kingdom (For the kingdom)
The power and the glory (The power and the glory)
Are yours now (Are yours now)
And forever Amen (And forever Amen)
Lamb of God Plainchant
Communion 721 O Lord my God (how great thy art)
O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
When through the woods, and forest glades I wander,
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees.
When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur
And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze.
And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing;
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.
When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration,
And then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!"
956 - I watch the sunrise
I watch the sunrise lighting the sky,
Casting its shadows near.
And on this morning bright though it be,
I feel those shadows near me.
But you are always close to me
Following all my ways.
May I be always close to you
Following all your ways, Lord.
I watch the sunlight shine through the clouds,
Warming the earth below.
And at the mid-day, life seems to say:
I feel your brightness near me.
I watch the sunset fading away,
Lighting the clouds with sleep.
And as the evening closes its eyes,
I feel your presence near me.
(Refrain: For you are always . . .)
I watch the moonlight guarding the night,
Waiting till morning comes.
The air is silent, earth is at rest
Only your peace is near me.
(Refrain: Yes, you are always... )
Final 360 As I kneel before you
As I kneel before you,
as I bow my head in prayer,
take this day, make it yours
and fill me with your love.
Ave Maria, gratia plena,
Dominus tecum,
benedicta tu.
All I have I give you,
Ev'ry dream and wish are yours;
mother of Christ, mother of mine,
present them to my Lord.
As I kneel before you,
and I see your smiling face,
ev'ry thought, ev'ry word
is lost in your embrace.
Gloria spoken
Psalm spoken
Gospel Acc 178 Halle, halle, halle
Offertory 608 Take my hands
Holy, Holy plainchant
Memorial Acc Children's Eucharistic Acclamation
Our Father Echo version
Lamb of God 592 Mass of hope
Communion 721 How great thou art
956 I watch the sunrise
Final 360 As I kneel before you
Entrance 820 Seek ye first the kingdom of God
Seek ye first the kingdom of God
and His righteousness,
and all these things shall be added unto you;
Allelu, alleluia.
Alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia
Allelu, alleluia
Ask and it shall be given unto you,
seek and ye shall find;
knock and it shall be opened unto you;
Allelu, alleluia.
We do not live by bread alone
but by ev’ry word
that comes forth from the mouth of God;
Allelu, alleluia.
Where two or three are gathered in my name,
there am I in your midst;
and whatsoever you ask I will do;
Allelu, alleluia.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God
And His righteousness
And all these things shall be added unto you
Allelu, alleluia
Gloria spoken
Psalm spoken
Gospel Acc 178 Caribbean Alleulia (Halle, Halle, Halle)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXaKJs1rP1M (refrain only)
Halle halle Halle–luia ( 3 x)
Halle-luia! Halle-luia!
Offertory 608 Take my hands
Take my hands and make them as your own,
And use them for your kingdom here on earth,
Consecrate them to your care,
Anoint them for your service where,
You may need your Gospel to be sown.
Take my hands they speak now for my heart,
And by their actions they will show their love,
Guard them on their daily course,
Be their strength and guiding force,
To ever serve the Trinity above.
Take my hands I give them to you Lord,
Prepare them for the service of your name,
Open them to human need,
And by their love they'll sow your seed,
So all may know the love and hope you give,
Take my hands, take my hands O Lord.
Holy, Holy plainchant
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
Memorial Acc Children’s Eucharistic Acclamations (Christopher Walker)
G Bm7 C D
Jesus has given his life for us
G Bm7 C D G
Jesus has given his life for us
D C#m Bm7
We praise You and we bless You
Em D/F# Em A7
We thank You Lord our God
D C#m Bm7
We praise You and we bless You
Em A7 G D
We thank You Lord our God
OUR FATHER Echo version
Our Father (our Father)
Who art in heaven (Who art in heaven)
Hallowed be Thy Name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Hallowed be thy name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Thy Kingdom come (Thy Kingdom come)
Thy Will be done (Thy Will be done)
Upon the earth (upon the earth)
as it is in Heaven (as it is in Heaven)
Give us this day (Give us this day)
our daily bread (our daily bread)
And forgive us (And forgive us)
our trespasses (our trespasses)
as we forgive (as we forgive)
Forgive those (forgive those)
who trespass (who trespass)
against us (against us)
And lead us not (And lead us not)
into temptation (into temptation),
but deliver us (but deliver us)
from evil ( from evil)
For the kingdom (For the kingdom)
The power and the glory (The power and the glory)
Are yours now (Are yours now)
And forever Amen (And forever Amen)
Lamb of God Plainchant
Communion 721 O Lord my God (how great thy art)
O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
When through the woods, and forest glades I wander,
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees.
When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur
And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze.
And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing;
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.
When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration,
And then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!"
956 - I watch the sunrise
I watch the sunrise lighting the sky,
Casting its shadows near.
And on this morning bright though it be,
I feel those shadows near me.
But you are always close to me
Following all my ways.
May I be always close to you
Following all your ways, Lord.
I watch the sunlight shine through the clouds,
Warming the earth below.
And at the mid-day, life seems to say:
I feel your brightness near me.
I watch the sunset fading away,
Lighting the clouds with sleep.
And as the evening closes its eyes,
I feel your presence near me.
(Refrain: For you are always . . .)
I watch the moonlight guarding the night,
Waiting till morning comes.
The air is silent, earth is at rest
Only your peace is near me.
(Refrain: Yes, you are always... )
Final 360 As I kneel before you
As I kneel before you,
as I bow my head in prayer,
take this day, make it yours
and fill me with your love.
Ave Maria, gratia plena,
Dominus tecum,
benedicta tu.
All I have I give you,
Ev'ry dream and wish are yours;
mother of Christ, mother of mine,
present them to my Lord.
As I kneel before you,
and I see your smiling face,
ev'ry thought, ev'ry word
is lost in your embrace.
Friday, 5 June 2015
6TH /7TH JUNE 2015
Entrance 708 Holy God we praise Thy Name
Gloria spoken
Psalm spoken
Gospel Acc 178 Halle, Halle, Hallellujah
Offertory 643 Gifts of Bread and Wine
Holy, Holy 481 Holy, Holy, Holy (Gathering Mass)
Memorial Acc Children's Eucharistic Acclam.
OUR FATHER Echo version
Lamb of God Plainchant
Communion 629 I am the Bread of Life
Communion 2 632 Come to the feast (Table of Plenty)
Final 722 Give me joy in my heart (Sing hosanna)
Entrance 708 Holy God we praise Thy Name
Holy God, we praise Thy name;
Lord of all, we bow before Thee.
All on earth Thy sceptre claim
All in heaven above adore Thee.
Infinite Thy vast domain;
Everlasting is Thy reign.
Hark! The loud celestial hymn,
Angel choirs above are raising;
Cherubim and seraphim,
In unceasing chorus praising,
Fill the heavens with sweet accord:
Holy, holy, holy Lord!
All th'apostles join the strain
As thy sacred Name they hallow;
Prophets swell the loud refrain
And the white-robed martyrs follow;
And from morn to set of sun,
Through the Church the song goes on
Holy Father, holy Son,
Holy Spirit, three we name thee,
While in essence only one
Undivided God we claim thee;
And, adoring, bend the knee
While we own the mystery.
Spare Thy people, Lord we pray,
By a thousand snares surrounded;
Keep us without sin today;
Never let us be confounded.
Lo, I put my trust in thee,
Never, Lord, abandon me.
Gloria spoken
Psalm spoken
Gospel Acc 178 Caribbean Alleulia (Halle, Halle, Halle)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXaKJs1rP1M (refrain only)
Style only http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFBMBkmGPXo
Halle halle Halle–luia ( 3 x)
Halle-luia! Halle-luia!
Offertory 643 Gifts of Bread and Wine
Gifts of bread and wine, gifts we’ve offered
Fruits of labour, fruits of love.
Taken offered, sanctified.
Blessed and broken, words of one who died.
Take my body, take my saving blood
Gifts of bread and wine, Christ our Lord.
Christ our saviour, living presence here,
As he promised while on earth.
I am with you for all time,
I am with you in this bread and wine.
Take my body, take my saving blood
Gifts of bread and wine, Christ our Lord.
To the Father, with the Spirit,
One in union, through the Son.
For God's people joined in prayer,
Faith is strengthened by the food we share.
Take my body, take my saving blood
Gifts of bread and wine, Christ our Lord.
Holy, Holy 570s Holy, Holy, Holy (The Revised Gathering Mass)
http://www.ocp.org/compositions/53767 melody only
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord,
Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.
Heaven and earth, Heaven and earth
are full of your glory, Lord God of hosts.
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest.
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest.
Blessed, blessed is he who comes,
Blessed, blessed is he who comes,
Blessed is he, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest
Memorial Acc Children’s Eucharistic Acclamations (Christopher Walker)
G Bm7 C D
Jesus has given his life for us
G Bm7 C D G
Jesus has given his life for us
D C#m Bm7
We praise You and we bless You
Em D/F# Em A7
We thank You Lord our God
D C#m Bm7
We praise You and we bless You
Em A7 G D
We thank You Lord our God
OUR FATHER Echo version
Our Father (our Father)
Who art in heaven (Who art in heaven)
Hallowed be Thy Name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Hallowed be thy name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Thy Kingdom come (Thy Kingdom come)
Thy Will be done (Thy Will be done)
Upon the earth (upon the earth)
as it is in Heaven (as it is in Heaven)
Give us this day (Give us this day)
our daily bread (our daily bread)
And forgive us (And forgive us)
our trespasses (our trespasses)
as we forgive (as we forgive)
Forgive those (forgive those)
who trespass (who trespass)
against us (against us)
And lead us not (And lead us not)
into temptation (into temptation),
but deliver us (but deliver us)
from evil ( from evil)
For the kingdom (For the kingdom)
The power and the glory (The power and the glory)
Are yours now (Are yours now)
And forever Amen (And forever Amen)
Lamb of God Plainchant
Communion 629 I am the Bread of Life
I am the bread of life.
You who come to Me shall not hunger;
and who believe in Me shall not thirst
No one can come to Me
Unless the Father draw him
And I will raise you up
And I will raise you up
And I will raise you up on the last day
The bread that I will give
is My flesh for the life of the world
and if you eat of this bread
you shall live for ever
you shall live for ever (refrain)
Unless you eat
Of the flesh of the Son of Man
And drink of His blood
And drink of His blood
You shall not have life within you
I am the resurrection
I am the life
If you believe in Me
Even though you die,
You shall live for ever (refrain)
Yes, Lord, I believe
That You are the Christ
The Son of God
Who has come
Into the world (refrain)
Communion 2 632 Come to the feast (Table of Plenty)
Come to the feast of heaven and earth!
Come to the table of plenty!
God will provide for all that we need,
here at the table of plenty.
O come and sit at my table
where saints and sinners are friends.
I wait to welcome the lost and lonely
to share the cup of my love.
O come and eat without money;
come to drink without price.
My feast of gladness will feed your spirit
with faith and fullness of life.
My bread will ever sustain you
through days of sorrow and woe.
My wine will flow like a sea of gladness
to flood the depths of your soul.
Your fields will flower in fullness;
your homes will flourish in peace.
For I, the giver of home and harvest,
will send my rain on the soil.
Final 722 Give me joy in my heart (Sing hosanna)
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising,
Give me joy in my heart, I pray,
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising,
Keep me praising 'till the break of day.
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna,
Sing hosanna to the King of kings!
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna,
Sing hosanna to the King.
Give me peace in my heart, keep me praying,
Give me peace in my heart, I pray,
Give me peace in my heart, keep me praying,
Keep me praying 'till the end of day.
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising,
Give me joy in my heart, I pray,
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising,
Keep me praising 'till the break of day.
Give my oil in my lamp, keep me burning,
Give me oil in my lamp, I pray,
Give my oil in my lamp, keep me burning,
Keep me burning 'till the end of day.
Give me peace in my heart, keep me resting,
Give me peace in my heart, I pray.
Give me peace in my heart, keep me resting,
Keep me resting 'till the end of day.
6TH /7TH JUNE 2015
Entrance 708 Holy God we praise Thy Name
Gloria spoken
Psalm spoken
Gospel Acc 178 Halle, Halle, Hallellujah
Offertory 643 Gifts of Bread and Wine
Holy, Holy 481 Holy, Holy, Holy (Gathering Mass)
Memorial Acc Children's Eucharistic Acclam.
OUR FATHER Echo version
Lamb of God Plainchant
Communion 629 I am the Bread of Life
Communion 2 632 Come to the feast (Table of Plenty)
Final 722 Give me joy in my heart (Sing hosanna)
Entrance 708 Holy God we praise Thy Name
Holy God, we praise Thy name;
Lord of all, we bow before Thee.
All on earth Thy sceptre claim
All in heaven above adore Thee.
Infinite Thy vast domain;
Everlasting is Thy reign.
Hark! The loud celestial hymn,
Angel choirs above are raising;
Cherubim and seraphim,
In unceasing chorus praising,
Fill the heavens with sweet accord:
Holy, holy, holy Lord!
All th'apostles join the strain
As thy sacred Name they hallow;
Prophets swell the loud refrain
And the white-robed martyrs follow;
And from morn to set of sun,
Through the Church the song goes on
Holy Father, holy Son,
Holy Spirit, three we name thee,
While in essence only one
Undivided God we claim thee;
And, adoring, bend the knee
While we own the mystery.
Spare Thy people, Lord we pray,
By a thousand snares surrounded;
Keep us without sin today;
Never let us be confounded.
Lo, I put my trust in thee,
Never, Lord, abandon me.
Gloria spoken
Psalm spoken
Gospel Acc 178 Caribbean Alleulia (Halle, Halle, Halle)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXaKJs1rP1M (refrain only)
Style only http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFBMBkmGPXo
Halle halle Halle–luia ( 3 x)
Halle-luia! Halle-luia!
Offertory 643 Gifts of Bread and Wine
Gifts of bread and wine, gifts we’ve offered
Fruits of labour, fruits of love.
Taken offered, sanctified.
Blessed and broken, words of one who died.
Take my body, take my saving blood
Gifts of bread and wine, Christ our Lord.
Christ our saviour, living presence here,
As he promised while on earth.
I am with you for all time,
I am with you in this bread and wine.
Take my body, take my saving blood
Gifts of bread and wine, Christ our Lord.
To the Father, with the Spirit,
One in union, through the Son.
For God's people joined in prayer,
Faith is strengthened by the food we share.
Take my body, take my saving blood
Gifts of bread and wine, Christ our Lord.
Holy, Holy 570s Holy, Holy, Holy (The Revised Gathering Mass)
http://www.ocp.org/compositions/53767 melody only
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord,
Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.
Heaven and earth, Heaven and earth
are full of your glory, Lord God of hosts.
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest.
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest.
Blessed, blessed is he who comes,
Blessed, blessed is he who comes,
Blessed is he, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest
Memorial Acc Children’s Eucharistic Acclamations (Christopher Walker)
G Bm7 C D
Jesus has given his life for us
G Bm7 C D G
Jesus has given his life for us
D C#m Bm7
We praise You and we bless You
Em D/F# Em A7
We thank You Lord our God
D C#m Bm7
We praise You and we bless You
Em A7 G D
We thank You Lord our God
OUR FATHER Echo version
Our Father (our Father)
Who art in heaven (Who art in heaven)
Hallowed be Thy Name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Hallowed be thy name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Thy Kingdom come (Thy Kingdom come)
Thy Will be done (Thy Will be done)
Upon the earth (upon the earth)
as it is in Heaven (as it is in Heaven)
Give us this day (Give us this day)
our daily bread (our daily bread)
And forgive us (And forgive us)
our trespasses (our trespasses)
as we forgive (as we forgive)
Forgive those (forgive those)
who trespass (who trespass)
against us (against us)
And lead us not (And lead us not)
into temptation (into temptation),
but deliver us (but deliver us)
from evil ( from evil)
For the kingdom (For the kingdom)
The power and the glory (The power and the glory)
Are yours now (Are yours now)
And forever Amen (And forever Amen)
Lamb of God Plainchant
Communion 629 I am the Bread of Life
I am the bread of life.
You who come to Me shall not hunger;
and who believe in Me shall not thirst
No one can come to Me
Unless the Father draw him
And I will raise you up
And I will raise you up
And I will raise you up on the last day
The bread that I will give
is My flesh for the life of the world
and if you eat of this bread
you shall live for ever
you shall live for ever (refrain)
Unless you eat
Of the flesh of the Son of Man
And drink of His blood
And drink of His blood
You shall not have life within you
I am the resurrection
I am the life
If you believe in Me
Even though you die,
You shall live for ever (refrain)
Yes, Lord, I believe
That You are the Christ
The Son of God
Who has come
Into the world (refrain)
Communion 2 632 Come to the feast (Table of Plenty)
Come to the feast of heaven and earth!
Come to the table of plenty!
God will provide for all that we need,
here at the table of plenty.
O come and sit at my table
where saints and sinners are friends.
I wait to welcome the lost and lonely
to share the cup of my love.
O come and eat without money;
come to drink without price.
My feast of gladness will feed your spirit
with faith and fullness of life.
My bread will ever sustain you
through days of sorrow and woe.
My wine will flow like a sea of gladness
to flood the depths of your soul.
Your fields will flower in fullness;
your homes will flourish in peace.
For I, the giver of home and harvest,
will send my rain on the soil.
Final 722 Give me joy in my heart (Sing hosanna)
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising,
Give me joy in my heart, I pray,
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising,
Keep me praising 'till the break of day.
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna,
Sing hosanna to the King of kings!
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna,
Sing hosanna to the King.
Give me peace in my heart, keep me praying,
Give me peace in my heart, I pray,
Give me peace in my heart, keep me praying,
Keep me praying 'till the end of day.
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising,
Give me joy in my heart, I pray,
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising,
Keep me praising 'till the break of day.
Give my oil in my lamp, keep me burning,
Give me oil in my lamp, I pray,
Give my oil in my lamp, keep me burning,
Keep me burning 'till the end of day.
Give me peace in my heart, keep me resting,
Give me peace in my heart, I pray.
Give me peace in my heart, keep me resting,
Keep me resting 'till the end of day.
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