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Friday 9 May 2014

4th Sunday Easter 11 May 2014

Entrance 471 Jubilate, everybody
Gloria:  Mass of Light
Psalm -  951 Shepherd me, O God
Alleluia - Mass of Light
Offertory 643 Gifts of Bread & Wine
Holy, Holy Mass of Light
Mem. Acc. Mass of light (when we eat)
802 Loving shepherd of thy sheep
320  Hail, Redeeemer, King divine
Final - 849 Freely, Freely

Entrance 471 Jubilate, everybody

Jubilate, everybody
Serve the Lord in all your ways
And come before His presence singing
Enter now His courts with praise
For the Lord our God is gracious
And His mercy's everlasting
Jubilate, Jubilate, Jubilate Deo
(repeat from beginning)

Gloria: Glory to God (Mass of Light)

Refrain: (1st time Cantor, a capella)
Glory to God in the highest, Glory to God
and on earth peace to people,
to people of good will.

Glory to God in the highest,
Glory to God
and on earth peace to people,
to people of good will.

We praise you, we bless you,
we adore you, we glorify you,
we give you thanks for your great glory,
Lord God, heavenly King,
O God, almighty Father. (refrain)

Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,
Lord God, Lamb of God,
Son of the Father,
you take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us;
you take away the sins of the world,
receive our prayer;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father,
have mercy on us.  (refrain)

For you alone are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High,
Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God the Father.
Amen.  (refrain)

Psalm -  951 Shepherd me O God - Psalm 23 (by Marty Haugen)

Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants,
beyond my fears, from death into life.

1. God is my shepherd,
so nothing shall I want,
I rest in the meadowsof faithfulness and love,
I walk by the quiet waters of peace.

2. Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul,
you lead me by pathways of righteousness and truth,
my spirit shall sing the music of your Name.

3. Though I should wander the valley of death,
I fear no evil,
for you are at my side,
your rod and your staff,
my comfort and my hope.

4. You have set me a banquet of love in the face of hatred,
crowning me with love beyond my power to hold.

5. Surely your kindness and mercy follow me all the days of my life;
I will dwell in the house of my God forevermore.

Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia (Mass of Light) to (3:02)

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Offertory 643 Gifts of Bread & Wine

Gifts of bread and wine, gifts we’ve offered
Fruits of labour, fruits of love.
Taken offered, sanctified.
Blessed and broken, words of one who died.

Take my body, take my saving blood
Gifts of bread and wine, Christ our Lord.
Christ our saviour, living presence here,
As he promised while on earth.
I am with you for all time,
I am with you in this bread and wine.
Take my body, take my saving blood
Gifts of bread and wine, Christ our Lord.

Through the father, with the spirit,
One in union with the Son.
For God's people joined in prayer,
Faith is strengthened by the food we share.

Take my body, take my saving blood
Gifts of bread and wine, Christ our Lord.

Holy Holy:  Mass of Light (go to 5:30)

Holy, Holy, Holy,
Holy Lord God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are
full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes 
in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest (Hosanna in the highest)
Hosanna in the highest.

Memorial Acclamation: We proclaim - (Mass of Light) (go to 6:50)

When we eat this Bread
and drink this Cup,
we proclaim your Death, O Lord,
until you come (until you come)
until you come again.


802 Loving Shepherd of Thy sheep

Loving Shepherd of Thy sheep,
keep me, Lord, in safety keep;
nothing can Thy power withstand,
none can pluck me from Thy hand.

Loving Shepherd, Thou didst give
Thine own life that I might live,
may I love Thee day by day,
gladly Thy sweet will obey.

Loving Shepherd, ever near,
teach me still Thy voice to hear;
suffer not my steps to stray
from the straight and narrow way.

Where Thou leadest may I go,
walking in Thy steps below;
then before Thy Father’s throne,
Jesu, claim me for Thine own.

320  Hail, Redeeemer, King divine

Hail Redeemer, King divine!
Priest and Lamb, the throne is thine;
King, whose reign shall never cease,
Prince of everlasting peace.

Angels, saints and nations sing :
"Praise be Jesus Christ our King;
Lord of life, earth, sky and sea,
King of love on Calvary!"

King, whose name creation thrills,
rule our minds, our hearts, our wills,
till in peace, each nation rings
with thy praises, King of kings. (refrain)

King most holy, King of truth,
guard the lowly, guide the youth;
Christ the King of glory bright,
be to us eternal light. (refrain)

Shepherd-king, o'er mountains steep
homeward bring the wandering sheep;
shelter in one royal fold
states and kingdoms, new and old. (refrain)

Final - 849 Freely, Freely

God forgave my sin in Jesus' name.
I've been born again in Jesus' name
And in Jesus' name I come to you
To share his love as he told me to.

He said 'Freely, freely you have received;
freely, freely give.
Go in my name, and because you believe
others will know that I live.

All pow'r is giv'n in Jesus' name;
in earth and heav'n in Jesus' name;
and in Jesus' name I come to you
to share his pow'r as he told me to.

God gives us life in Jesus' name;
he lives in us in Jesus' name;
and in Jesus' name I come to you
to share his peace as he told me to.

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