Penitential Rite: Advent Candle song
GLORIA none during Advent
Gospel Acclamation 64 Litany of the Word
Offertory: 88 Wait for the Lord (Taize)
Holy Holy 490 s Mass of Creation (revised setting)
Mem. Acc. Mass of Creation (revised setting)
Great Amen Mass of Creation (revised setting)
Lamb of God Mass of Creation (revised setting)
Stay awake (by Chris O' Hara)
111 My soul in stillness waits
End 84 Like a sea without a shore (Maranatha)
Entrance 932 Abba, abba Father, you are the potter
musicians: please note the arrangement in this version. Guitarists, please note the strumming pattern starting the 3rd verse. Could we pls do this starting the 1st or 2nd verse? Depends if you're able to copy the intro style. Thanks!
INTRO: (light guitar only)
Abba, Abba, Father.
You are the potter; we are the clay,
the work of your hands.
(enter keyboard)
Mold us, mold us and fashion us
into the image of Jesus, your Son,
of Jesus, your Son.
(enter flute and/or violin)
Father, may we be one in you.
May we be one in you as he is in you,
and you are in him.
(Please note no instrumental section as in video. Violin and/or keyboard can play descant/improv)
Glory, glory and praise to you.
Glory and praise to you forever, amen,
forever, amen.
(if needed we can repeat 1st verse/refrain)
Penitential rite/Lighting of the Candle: Advent Candle Song
(tune of Frere Jacques/Are you sleeping)
Are you sleeping:
(children sing first then repeated by adults )
Advent candle (Advent candle)
Burning slow (Burning slow)
Advent weeks of waiting (Advent weeks of waiting)
three to go (three to go)
Mary's waiting (Mary's waiting)
Joseph too (Joseph too)
waiting for the baby (waiting for the baby)
coming soon (coming soon)
(children sing first then repeated by adults )
Advent candle (Advent candle)
Burning slow (Burning slow)
Advent weeks of waiting (Advent weeks of waiting)
three to go (three to go)
Mary's waiting (Mary's waiting)
Joseph too (Joseph too)
waiting for the baby (waiting for the baby)
coming soon (coming soon)
GLORIA none during Advent
Cantor: Word of justice,
All: Alleluia
Cantor: come to dwell here.
All: Maranatha!
Cantor: Word of mercy,
All: Alleluia
Cantor: live among us,
All: Maranatha!
(reader says antiphon)
Cantor: Word of power,
All: Alleluia
Cantor: live within us,
All: Maranatha!
Cantor: Word of freedom,
All: Alleluia
Cantor: save your people,
All: Maranatha!
Offertory: 88 Wait for the Lord (Taize chant)
Wait for the Lord, whose day is near
Wait for the Lord, keep watch, take heart.
(repeat 5 more times)
490s Holy Holy Mass of Creation (revised setting)
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name
of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
Hosanna in the highest.
492s Memorial Acc. 2 -Mass of Creation (revised setting)
When we eat this Bread
and drink this Cup,
we proclaim your Death, O Lord,
until you come again, until you come again.
and drink this Cup,
we proclaim your Death, O Lord,
until you come again, until you come again.
Doxology and Great Amen: 495 (Mass of Creation) start at 10:48
Amen, Amen, Amen (repeat)
Lamb of God Mass of Creation (revised setting)
Lamb of God, you take away the sins
of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins
of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins
of the world, grant us peace.
Stay Awake – Chris O’Hara
There will be signs upon the sun
The moon and stars will share Earth's agony.
And ev'ry nation will be fearful of the sound:
the ocean's roar, the raging sea
then they will see the Son of Man
riding the clouds with pow'r and glory;
hold up your heads, your liberation is at hand:
your destiny, your destiny...
O stay awake, do not fear the night
The dawn will break with the Saviour's light
Your liberation is at hand:
O stay awake! O stay awake!
The time is near, we must arise,
no longer living in the dark of night.
So arm yourselves as people living in the way
of truthfulness, integrity,
and hold a dream of days to come
when we will reach God's holy mountain
and change all weapons into instruments of peace
to sow the seed of justice.
111 My soul in stillness waits My soul in stillness waits
For you, O lord,
my soul in stillness waits.
Truly my hope is in you.
1. O Lord of Light, our only hope of glory,
your radiance shines in all who look to you.
Come light the hearts of all in dark and shadow.
2. O Spring of Joy, rain down upon our spirits.
Our thirsty hearts are yearning for your Word.
Come, make us whole; be comfort to our hearts.
3. O Root of Life, implant your seed within us,
and in your advent draw us all to you,
our hope reborn in dying and in rising.
4. O Key of Knowledge, guide us in our pilgrimage,
We ever seek, yet unfulfilled remain.
Open to us the pathway of your peace.
5. Come, let us bow before the God who made us.
Let every heart be opened to the Lord,
for we are all the people of his hand.
6. Here we shall meet the makers of the heavens,
creator of the mountains and the seas,
Lord of the stars and present to us now.
End 84 Like a sea without a shore (Maranatha)
Like a sea without a shore,
love divine is boundless.
Time is now and evermore,
and his love surrounds us.
Maranatha! Maranatha! Maranatha!
Come lord Jesus, come!
So that we could all be free,
He appeared among us,
Blest are those who have not seen,
Yet believe his promise.
All our visions all our dreams,
Are but ghostly shadows
of the Radiant clarity
waiting at life's close.
Death, where is your victory?
Death, where is your sting?
Closer than the air we breath
is our risen King.
2nd Sunday...
console my people, a voice cries out in the wilderness,
prepare the way, shepherd gathering lambs, John the baptist... Live Holy Lives...
94 On Jordan's bank,
96 A voice cries out
(Note to parents: the video images can be disturbing - I suggest you minimize the YouTube window so you can just listen and not watch. note to singers: if the verses are too difficult, just learn the refrain and I can sing the verses as Cantor. - May)
1. Console my people, the ones dear to me:
speak to the heart of Jerusalem:
the time of your mourning is ended now,
the Lord of life will come.
A voice cries out in the wilderness:
Prepare a way for the Lord!
A voice cries out in the wilderness:
Make straight a high-way for God!
2. Ev'ry valley is made a plain,
ev'ry mountain is leveled,
the glory of God shall then be revealed,
and the nations will sing in praise. (refrain)
3. A voice shouts: 'Cry!' O what shall I cry?
'All flesh is like grass and its flowers:
the grass may wither, the flower may fade,
but the word of the Lord is forever.' (refrain)
(same melody as verse 2)
4. Zion, shout from the mountain top,
lift up your voice O Jerusalem,
and say to the people of God's own land,
'Behold, behold your God!' (refrain)
(same melody as verse 1)
5. The Lord will appear as a shepherd,
holding his lambs in his arms,
keeping his flock so close to his heart
leading them all, old and young. (refrain)
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