Hymn lists for 10:30 AM Mass Choir at St. Michael and St. Martin Parish Hounslow
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Sunday, 21 June 2009
Final First Holy Communion Mass (28 June)
at 2 pm on Sunday 28th June 2009
Song List:
Entrance 316 – How great is our God
Gloria 530 - Gloria
Alleluia sung
Offertory 832 – One bread, one body
Holy, Holy 490
Special Acc. sung
Our Father sung
Communion 965 – As the deer
Communion 2 720 – Be still, for the presence of the Lord
Dismissal 722 – Sing Hosanna
Entrance 316 – How great is our God
How great is our God
How great is his name
How great is our God
Forever the same!
1. He rolled back the waters
of the mighty Red Sea
and he said I'll never leave you
Put your trust in me
2. He sent his Son, Jesus,
to set us all free,
and he said 'I'll never leave you.
Put your trust in me.'
3. He gave us his Spirit,
and now we can see.
And he said 'I'll never leave you.
Put your trust in me.'
530 Gloria
Refrain: Glória glória in excélsis Deo (2x)
1. Lord God, heavenly King, peace you bring to us;
We worship you we give you thanks, we sing our song of praise.
2. Jesus, Saviour of all, Lord God, Lamb of God,
You take away our sins, O Lord, have mercy on us all
3. At the Father's right hand, Lord, receive our prayer
For you alone are the Holy One, and you alone are Lord
4. Glory Father and Son, glory Holy Spirit
To you we raise our hands up high, we glorify your name.
Offertory 832 – One bread, one body
One bread, one body, one Lord of all
One cup of blessing which we bless
And we though many, throughout the earth
We are one body in this one Lord.
Gentile or Jew, servant or free
Woman or man no more.
Many the gifts, many the works
One in the Lord of all.
Grain for the fields, scattered and grown
Gathered to one, for all.
Holy, holy 490 Sanctus (Mass of Creation)
Holy, holy, holy Lord
God of power, God of might
Heaven and earth are full with your glory
Hosanna in the highest
Blessed is he who comes in the name of hte Lord
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna in the highest
Acclamations for the Eucharistic Prayer
Jesus has given his life for us
Jesus has given his life for us
We bless you and we praise you
We thank you Lord our God
We bless you and we praise you
We thank you Lord our God
Our Father
Our Father (our Father)
Who art in heaven (Who art in heaven)
Hallowed be Thy Name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Hallowed be thy name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Thy Kingdom come (Thy Kingdom come)
Thy Will be done (Thy Will be done)
Upon the earth (upon the earth)
as it is in Heaven (as it is in Heaven)
Give us this day (Give us this day)
our daily bread (our daily bread)
And forgive us (And forgive us)
our trespasses (our trespasses)
as we forgive (as we forgive)
Forgive those (forgive those)
who trespass (who trespass)
against us (against us)
And lead us not (And lead us not)
into temptation (into temptation),
but deliver us (but deliver us)
from evil ( from evil)
For the kingdom (For the kingdom)
The power and the glory (The power and the glory)
Are yours now (Are yours now)
And forever Amen (And forever Amen)
Communion 965 – As the deer
beautiful version though lyrics are slightly different (old english)
As The Deer
1- As the deer pants for the water
So my soul longs after you
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship you
R- You alone are my strength, my shield
To you alone will my spirit yield
You alone are my hearts desire
And I long to worship you
2- I want you more than gold or silver
Only you can satisfy
You alone are the real joy giver
And the apple of my eye
3- You're my friend and you are my Father
Even though you are my King
I love you more than any other
So much more than anything
Communion 2 720 – Be still, for the presence of the Lord
Beautiful version by Aled Jones and Libera
Be still for the presence of the Lord
The Holy One is here
Come bow before Him now
With reverence and fear
In Him no sin is found
We stand on holy ground
Be still for the presence of the Lord
The Holy One is here
Be still for the glory of the Lord
Is shining all around
He burns with holy fire
With splendor He is crowned
How awesome is the sight
Our radiant King of Light
Be still for the glory of the Lord
Is shining all around
Be still for the power of the Lord
Is moving in this place
He comes to cleanse and heal
To minister His grace
No work too hard for Him
In faith receive from Him
Be still for the power of the Lord
Is moving in this place
Final: 722 Sing Hosanna (Give me joy in my heart)
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising,
Give me joy in my heart, I pray, (Alleluia!)
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising,
Keep me praising 'till the break of day.
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna,
Sing hosanna to the King of kings!
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna,
Sing hosanna to the King.
Give me peace in my heart, keep me resting.
Give me peace in my heart, I pray, (Alleluia!)
Give me peace in my heart, keep me resting.
Keep me resting 'till the end of day. (Refrain)
Give me love in my heart, keep me serving,
Give me love in my heart, I pray, (Alleluia!)
Give me love in my heart, keep me serving,
Keep me serving 'till the end of day. (Refrain)
Give my oil in my lamp, keep me burning,
Give me oil in my lamp, I pray, (Alleluia!)
Give my oil in my lamp, keep me burning,
Keep me burning 'till the end of day. (Refrain)
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
3rd weekend of First Holy Communion Masses June 20/21
Entrance #775 - I have loved you (with an everlasting love)
Gloria #532 - Gloria! (Salazar)
Alleluia (Sung before and after the verse is read)
Offertory #608 - Take my hands
Holy, holy #490 Sanctus (Mass of Creation)
Acclamations for the Eucharistic Prayer
Our Father (sung)
Communion 1: #956 - I watch the sunrise
Communion 2: #972 - Do not be afraid
Dismissal #768 - Our God reigns
Entrance #775 - I have loved you (with an everlasting love)
I have loved you with an everlasting love
I have called you, and you are mine
I have loved you with an everlasting love
I have called you, and you are mine
1.Seek the face of the Lord and long for Him
He will bring you his light and his peace (refrain)
2. Seek the face of the Lord and long for Him
He will bring you his joy and his hope (refrain)
3. Seek the face of the Lord and long for Him
He will bring you his care and his love (refrain)
Gloria #532 - Gloria! (Salazar)
Glory! Glory! glory to God!
Glory! Glory! glory to God!
1. Glory to God in the heights of the heavens
Peace to God's people, all people on earth (Refrain)
2. Son of the Father, all glory and worship.
Praise and thanksgiving to you, Lamb of God. (Refrain)
3. You take away the sin of the world
Have mercy on us, receive our prayer (Refrain)
4. Seated in pow'r at the right of the Father,
jesus alone is the Lord, the Most High. (Refrain)
5. And with the Spirit of love everlasting.
Reigning in glory for ever Amen. (Refrain)
-- - Alleluia
Offertory #608 - Take my hands
(only link I could find, sorry) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnYzagXbJ3k
Take my hands and make them as your own,
And use them for your kingdom here on earth,
Consecrate them to your care,
Anoint them for your service where,
You may need your Gospel to be sown.
Take my hands they speak now for my heart,
And by their actions they will show their love,
Guard them on their daily course,
Be their strength and guiding force,
To over serve the Trinity above.
Tak my hands I give them to you Lord,
Prepare them for the service of your name,
Open them to human need,
And by their love they'll sow your seed,
So all may know the love and hope you give,
Take my hands, take my hands O Lord.
Holy, holy 490 Sanctus (Mass of Creation)
Holy, holy, holy Lord
God of power, God of might
Heaven and earth are full with your glory
Hosanna in the highest
Blessed is he who comes in the name of hte Lord
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna in the highest
Acclamations for the Eucharistic Prayer
Jesus has given his life for us
Jesus has given his life for us
We bless you and we praise you
We thank you Lord our God
We bless you and we praise you
We thank you Lord our God
Our Father
Our Father (our Father)
Who art in heaven (Who art in heaven)
Hallowed be Thy Name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Hallowed be thy name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Thy Kingdom come (Thy Kingdom come)
Thy Will be done (Thy Will be done)
Upon the earth (upon the earth)
as it is in Heaven (as it is in Heaven)
Give us this day (Give us this day)
our daily bread (our daily bread)
And forgive us (And forgive us)
our trespasses (our trespasses)
as we forgive (as we forgive)
Forgive those (forgive those)
who trespass (who trespass)
against us (against us)
And lead us not (And lead us not)
into temptation (into temptation),
but deliver us (but deliver us)
from evil ( from evil)
For the kingdom (For the kingdom)
The power and the glory (The power and the glory)
Are yours now (Are yours now)
And forever Amen (And forever Amen)
Communion 1 #956 - I watch the sunrise (key: A)
Please just refer to these videos for the melody, and note that the music in Laudate is lower.
(key: D) Daniel O'Donnell: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiiWpYuT6tg
(key: C) Maureen Hegarty: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-u2Jtikd78
I watch the sunrise lighting the sky,
Casting its shadows near.
And on this morning bright though it be,
I feel those shadows near me.
But you are always close to me
Following all my ways.
May I be always close to you
Following all your ways, Lord.
I watch the sunlight shine through the clouds,
Warming the earth below.
And at the mid-day, life seems to say:
I feel your brightness near me.
I watch the sunset fading away,
Lighting the clouds with sleep.
And as the evening closes its eyes,
I feel your presence near me.
(Refrain: For you are always . . .)
I watch the moonlight guarding the night,
Waiting till morning comes.
The air is silent, earth is at rest
Only your peace is near me.
(Refrain: Yes, you are always... )
Communion 2: No 972 - Do not be afraid (key: D)
(this singer isn't really singing the melody according to the sheet music in this one)
Do not be afraid for I have redeemed you
I have called you by your name - you are mine
1. When you walk through the waters I'll be with you
You will never sink beneath the waves.
2. When the fire is burning all around you
You will never be consumed by the flames.
3. When the fear of loneliness is looming
then remember I am at your side.
4. When you dwell in the shelter of the stranger
remember you are precious sin my eyes
5. You are mine, O my child, I am your Father
and I love you with a perfect love.
Dismissal # 768 - Our God reigns
(please note lyrics are different from laudate:)
1. How lovely on the mountains are the feet of Him
Who brings good news, good news;
Announcing peace, proclaiming news of happiness:
Our God reigns, our God reigns!
Refrain: Our God reigns! Our God reigns!
Our God reigns! Our God reigns!
2. You watchmen, lift your voices joyfully as one,
shout for your king, your king!
See eye to eye, the Lord restoring Sion:
our God reigns, our God reigns! (Refrain)
3. Wasteplaces of Jerusalem, break forth with joy!
We are redeemed, redeemed,
the Lord has saved and comforted his people.
our God reigns, our God reigns! (Refrain)
4. Ends of the earth, see the salvation of our God!
Jesus is Lord, is Lord!
Before the nations, he has bared his holy arm
our God reigns, our God reigns. (Refrain)
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Philippine Independence Day Event in Lampton Park, Hounslow 14th June

You are all invited to Lampton Park this Sunday, 14th June for the 2nd Annual Philippine Independence Day Event.
Our guest performers are Martin Nievera and Karylle (daughter of Zsa Zsa Padilla). There will also be a special morning mass at 9 am with healing priest Fr. Fernando Suarez. Please click on the link below for our TV Ad currently showing on TFC.
Also for die-hard fans, there's a dinner show at Novotel Hammersmith London. There will also be a disco after the show, and photo & autograph signing opportunities with our stars. Please see attached invitation for more details. Tickets at the door will be from £80 - 100, but I can still extend advance booking discount for the tickets for only £65 this week if you book with me asap & can pay by Friday latest (online payment or cash), but you'll have to coordinate with me so I can get you the discount.
For those who are looking for good investment opportunities in the Phils., there is also a free real estate seminar presented by Century properties in the afternoon at the same venue. Please also confirm attendance through me because seats are limited.
For any inquiries pls just email me or just use the comment form on this page. I'll get back to you right away.
2nd weekend of First Holy Communion (June 13/14)
Song's for the First Holy Communion masses (June 13/14)
Opening Hymn: 632 Come to the feast of heaven and earth
530 Gloria
Alleluia (Sung before and after the verse is read)
Offertory hymn: 609 In bread we bring you Lord
490 Holy, holy
Acclamations for the Eucharistic Prayer
Our Father (sung)
Communion hyms:
627 This is my body
620 Lord, how can I repay
Final hymn
966 Walk with me
Lyrics and links
Opening Hymn: 632 Come to the feast of heaven and earth
Table of Plenty
Come to the feast of heaven and earth!
Come to the table of plenty!
God will provide for all that we need,
here at the table of plenty.
O come and sit at my table
where saints and sinners are friends.
I wait to welcome the lost and lonely
to share the cup of my love.
O come and eat without money;
come to drink without price.
My feast of gladness will feed your spirit
with faith and fullness of life.
My bread will ever sustain you
through days of sorrow and woe.
My wine will flow like a sea of gladness
to flood the depths of your soul.
Your fields will flower in fullness;
your homes will flourish in peace.
For I, the giver of home and harvest,
will send my rain on the soil.
530 Gloria
Refrain: Glória glória in excélsis Deo (2x)
1. Lord God, heavenly King, peace you bring to us;
We worship you we give you thanks, we sing our song of praise.
2. Jesus, Saviour of all, Lord God, Lamb of God,
You take away our sins, O Lord, have mercy on us all
3. At the Father's right hand, Lord, receive our prayer
For you alone are the Holy One, and you alone are Lord
4. Glory Father and Son, glory Holy Spirit
To you we raise our hands up high, we glorify your name.
Alleluia (Sung before and after the verse is read)
Offertory hymn: 609 In bread we bring you Lord
In bread we bring you Lord, our body's' labour
In wine we offer you our spirit's grief.
We do not ask you, Lord, who is my neighbour?
But stand united now, in one belief.
For we have gladly heard your Word, your holy Word
And now in answer, Lord, our gifts we bring.
Our selfish hearts make true, our failing faith renew,
Our life belongs to you, our Lord and King.
The bread we offer you is blessed and broken,
And it becomes for us our spirit’s food.
Over the cup we bring, your Word is spoken;
Make it your gift to us, your healing blood.
Take all that daily toil, plants in our heart’s poor soil,
Take all we start and spoil, each hopeful dream.
The chances we have missed, the graces we resist,
Lord, in thy Eucharist, take and redeem.
490 Holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy Lord
God of power, God of might
Heaven and earth are full with your glory
Hosanna in the highest
Blessed is he who comes in the name of hte Lord
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna in the highest
Acclamations for the Eucharistic Prayer
Jesus has given his life for us
Jesus has given his life for us
We bless you and we praise you
We thank you Lord our God
We bless you and we praise you
We thank you Lord our God
Our Father (sung)
Our Father (our Father)
Who art in heaven (Who art in heaven)
Hallowed be Thy Name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Hallowed be thy name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Thy Kingdom come (Thy Kingdom come)
Thy Will be done (Thy Will be done)
Upon the earth (upon the earth)
as it is in Heaven (as it is in Heaven)
Give us this day (Give us this day)
our daily bread (our daily bread)
And forgive us (And forgive us)
our trespasses (our trespasses)
as we forgive (as we forgive)
Forgive those (forgive those)
who trespass (who trespass)
against us (against us)
And lead us not (And lead us not)
into temptation (into temptation),
but deliver us (but deliver us)
from evil ( from evil)
For the kingdom (For the kingdom)
The power and the glory (The power and the glory)
Are yours now (Are yours now)
And forever Amen (And forever Amen)
Communion hyms:
627 This is my body
Communion 1: 627 This is my body
(sorry, can't find an video or mp3 link. )
This is my body broken for you
bringing you wholeness, making you free
Take it and eat it and when you do
Do it in love for me.
This is my blood poured out for you
bringing forgiveness, making you free
Take it and eat it and when you do
do it in love for me.
Back to my Father soon I shall go
Do not forget me, then you will see
I am still with you, and you will know
you're very close to me.
Filled with my Spirit, how you will grow
You are my branches, I am the tree
If you are faithful, others will know
you are alive in me.
Love one another - I have loved you
and I have shown you how to be free
serve one another, and when you do
do it in love for me.
620 Lord, how can I repay
Lord, how can I repay
all you ever give to me?
your endless love an eternal flame:
Lord, if you say the word,
I will take your blessing cup
and I will call on your holy name
1.I trusted, went on trusting,
through the night of pain
in my anguish and affliction
human help was vain (refrain)
2. In the service of your people
I will spend my days
giving freely of my life-blood
as i walk your ways (refrain)
3. You unbound me, gave me freedom
you i gladly serve.
In thanksgiving I will offer
praise without reserve (refrain)
4. In the service of your people
I will spend my days
In your temple, in your Church, Lord,
singing endless praise (refrain)
Final hymn
966 Walk with me
Walk with me, oh my Lord,
Through the darkest night and brightest day
Be at my side, oh Lord,
Hold my hand and guide me on my way.
1. Sometimes the road seems long,
My energy is spent.
Then, Lord, I think of you
And I am given strength (refrain)
2. Stones often bar my path,
And there are times I fall,
But you are always there
To help me when I call. (refrain)
3. Just as you calmed the wind
And walked upon the sea
Conquer, my living Lord
The storms that threaten me. (refrain)
4. Help me to pierce the mists
That cloud my heart and mind,
So that I shall not fear
The steepest mountain-side. (refrain)
5. As once you healed the lame
And gave sight to the blind
Help me when I'm downcast
To hold my head up high. (refrain)
Friday, 5 June 2009
song list for this Sunday : Holy Trinity
The Mass readings for this Sunday are:
Please note that there will also be Holy Communion ceremonies throughout the month of June, so the Our Father will be sung, with the children coming to the front with Fr. Tony. (lyrics below). Please keep checking back because I'll be updating the blog with lyrics & links as I have time to find/type them.
See you on Sunday, 10 AM!
ENTRANCE: 293 Abba Father send your spirit
GLORIA: 532 Gloria! (Salazar)
ALLELUIA: 710 Celtic Alleluia (Te Deum)
OFFERTORY: 603 Blest are you Lord
HOLY HOLY: 559 Holy holy(Farrell Eucharistic Acclamations)
Our Father (sung)
COMMUNION 1: 673 This day god gives me (Bunessan - Tune of: morning has broken)
COMMUNION 2: 317 Father in my life I see
FINAL HYMN: 770 Shine, Jesus Shine (Lord, the light of your love)
ENTRANCE: 293 Abba Father send your spirit
(In the verse, can the girls sing the first line (Abba, Father) then the whole choir sing Glory Jesus Christ? Then the refrain is sung in unison.)
1. Abba, Father, send your Spirit
Glory, Jesus Christ
Abba, Father, send your Spirit
Glory, Jesus Christ
Glory hallelujah, glory Jesus Christ (2x)
2. I will give you living water
Glory, Jesus Christ
I will give you living water
Glory, Jesus Christ (Refrain)
3. If you seek me you will find me...
4. If you listen you will hear me...
5. Come, my children, I will teach you...
6. I'm your shepherd, I will lead you...
7. Peace I leave you, peace i give you...
8. I'm your life and resurrection...
9. Glory Father, glory spirit...
GLORIA: 532 Gloria! (Salazar)
Glory! Glory! glory to God!
Glory! Glory! glory to God!
1. Glory to God in the heights of the heavens
Peace to God's people, all people on earth (Refrain)
2. Son of the Father, all glory and worship.
Praise and thanksgiving to you, Lamb of God. (Refrain)
3. You take away the sin of the world
Have mercy on us, receive our prayer (Refrain)
4. Seated in pow'r at the right of the Father,
jesus alone is the Lord, the Most High. (Refrain)
5. And with the Spirit of love everlasting.
Reigning in glory for ever Amen. (Refrain)
ALLELUIA: 710 Celtic Alleluia
OFFERTORY: 603 Blest are you Lord
(Only one I could find...)
1. Blest are You, Lord, God of all creation
Thanks to your Goodness
This Bread we offer
Fruit of the earth, work of our hands
It will become the Bread of life
Blessed be God (2)
Blessed be God forever, Amen
2. Blest are You, Lord, God of all creation
Thanks to your Goodness
This Wine we offer
Fruit of the vine, work of our hands
It will become the Cup of Joy (refrain)
HOLY HOLY: 559 Holy Holy (Farrell Eucharistic Acclamations)
Holy, holy, holy Lord God of power,
Lord God of might, Lord God of pow'r and might
Heav'n and earth are full of your glory,
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest
Blessed, blessed, blessed, blessed is he
Who comes in the name, who comes in the Lord's own name!
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest
MEM. ACC: 561
When we eat this bread and drink this cup
We proclaim your death, Lord Jesus Christ
Until you come in glory, until you come in glory
Until you come in glory, Jesus Christ!
Our Father (our Father)
Who art in heaven (Who art in heaven)
Hallowed be Thy Name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Hallowed be thy name (Hallowed be Thy Name)
Thy Kingdom come (Thy Kingdom come)
Thy Will be done (Thy Will be done)
Upon the earth (upon the earth)
as it is in Heaven (as it is in Heaven)
Give us this day (Give us this day)
our daily bread (our daily bread)
And forgive us (And forgive us)
our trespasses (our trespasses)
as we forgive (as we forgive)
Forgive those (forgive those)
who trespass (who trespass)
against us (against us)
And lead us not (And lead us not)
into temptation (into temptation),
but deliver us (but deliver us)
from evil ( from evil)
For the kingdom (For the kingdom)
The power and the glory (The power and the glory)
Are yours now (Are yours now)
And forever Amen (And forever Amen)
COMMUNION 1: 673 This day god gives me (Bunessan - Tune of: Christ be beside me/morning has broken)
tune only: http://www.hymnsite.com/fws/hymn.cgi?2166
lyrics below:
1. This day God gives me Strength of high heaven
Sun and Moon shining, Flame in my hearth
Flashing of lightning, Wind in its swiftness,
Deeps of the ocean, Firmness of earth.
2. This day God sends me Strength as my steersman,
Might to uphold me, Wisdom as guide.
Your eyes are watchful, your ears are list'ning,
Your lips are speaking, friend at my side.
3. God's way is my way, God's shield is 'round me,
God's host defends me, saving from ill.
Angels of heaven, drive from me always
All that would harm me, stand by me still.
4. Rising I thank you, mighty and strong One
King of creation, Giver of rest.
Firmly confessing Threeness of Persons
Oneness of Godhead, Trinity blest.
COMMUNION 2: 317 Father in my life I see
Group 1/melody:
Group 2/echo:
Father, in my life I see,
You are God, who walks with me.
You hold my life in your hands:
Close beside you I will stand.
I give all my life to you:
Help me Father to be true.
Jesus, in my life I see,
You are God, who walks with me.
You hold my life in your hands:
Close beside you I will stand.
I give all my life to you:
Help me Jesus to be true.
Spirit, in my life I see,
You are God, who walks with me.
You hold my life in your hands:
Close beside you I will stand.
I give all my life to you:
Help me Spirit to be true.
FINAL HYMN: 770 Shine, Jesus Shine (Lord, the light of your love)
lyrics and music