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Friday, 29 May 2009

Songs for Pentecost Sunday 31 May 2009

Hi All!

Our song list for Pentecost Sunday is as follows:

ENT: 465 This is the Day
GLORIA: The Peruvian Gloria (sheet music)
ALLELUIA: 178 Halle halle –luia
OFF: 610 Take our bread
HOLY: 553 celtic liturgy
MEM. ACC: 554 celtic liturgy
Great amen: 555 celtic liturgy
COMM 1: 305 Enemy of Apathy
COMM 2: 306 Spirit of the living god
END: 864 God's Spirit is in my heart


ENTRANCE: 465 This is the Day
1.This is the day (2x)
That the Lord has made (2x)
We will rejoice (2x)
And be glad in it (2x)
This is the day that the Lord has made
We will rejoice and be glad in it
This is the day (2x)
That the Lord has made.

2. This is the day...when he rose again...
3. This is the day...when the Spirit came...
GLORIA: The Peruvian Gloria (music and lyrics)

(refrain is slighty different & words of the verse, but I imagine the verse is sung with the same melody)
(this video has the same refrain as version in Laudate, but the words & melody of the verses are different)

Halle halle Halle –luia ( 3 times) Halle-luia halle-luia

Verse: Come now Holy Spirit and Fill our hearts
Halleluia Halle-luia.


OFFERTORY: 610 Take our bread
this link has lyrics and midi file


HOLY: 553 celtic liturgy 555
MEM. ACC: 554 celtic liturgy
Great amen: 555 celtic liturgy


COMM 1: 305 Enemy of Apathy

COMM 2: 306 Spirit of the living god

Spirit of the living God,
fall afresh on me;
Spirit of the living God,
fall afresh on me.
Break me, melt me, mould me, fill me.
Spirit of the living God,
fall afresh on me.
(repeat from beginning)
END: 864 Go Tell Everyone (God's Spirit is in my heart)

1. God's Spirit is in my heart.

He has called me and set me apart.

This is what I have to do,

what I have to do:

Refrain: He has sent me to give the good news to the poor,

tell prisoners that they are prisoners no more.

Tell blind people that they can see,

and settle down-trodden free.

Tell everyone the news that God's kingdom has come.

2.Just as the Father sent me,

so I am sending you out to be

my witnesses throughout His world.

The whole of the world.

3. Don't carry a load in your pack,

you don't need two shirts on your back.

The workman can earn his own keep,

Can earn his own keep.

4.Don't worry what you have to say.

Don't worry because on that day,

God's Spirit will speak in your heart,

will speak in your heart!

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Songs for May 24th, The Ascension of the Lord

Hi! This is the song list for tomorrow's mass at 1030 am. Sorry for the delay, been really busy with work and with Fr.Anthony's mass last night. Thanks again to everyone who sang/played with the choir or who came to mass and showed our love and support to Fr. Anthony for his farewell mass with us.

SONG LIST (Lyrics below)

ENT: 324 Jesus is Lord! Creation's voice proclaims it
GLORIA: 530 Gloria (Anderson)
OFF: 608 Take my hands
HOLY: 556 Mass of Peace
MEM. ACC: 557
COMM: 760 All Heaven Declares
761 He is Lord
END: 767 Majesty


ENTRANCE: 324 Jesus is Lord! Creation's voice proclaims it)

1. Jesus is Lord! creation's voice proclaims it,
For by His power each tree and flower
Was planned and made.
Jesus is Lord! the universe declares it,
Sun, moon and stars in heaven
Cry, 'Jesus is Lord!'

Jesus is Lord! Jesus is Lord!
Praise Him with Alleluias
For Jesus is Lord!

2. Jesus is Lord! yet from His throne eternal
In flesh He came to die in pain
On Calvary's tree.
Jesus is Lord! from Him all life proceeding,
Yet gave His life a ransom
Thus setting us free.

3. Jesus is Lord! o'er sin the mighty conqueror,
From death He rose, and all His foes
Shall own His Name.
Jesus is Lord! God sent His Holy Spirit
To show by works of power
That Jesus is Lord.
530 Gloria (Anderson)

Refrain: Glória glória in excélsis Deo (2x)

1. Lord God, heavenly King, peace you bring to us;
We worship you we give you thanks, we sing our song of praise.
2. Jesus, Saviour of all, Lord God, Lamb of God,
You take away our sins, O Lord, have mercy on us all
3. At the Father's right hand, Lord, receive our prayer
For you alone are the Holy One, and you alone are Lord
4. Glory Father and Son, glory Holy Spirit
To you we raise our hands up high, we glorify your name.

ALLELUIA: 261 Gospel Acclamation for Easter

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia

Go, make disciples of all the nations;
I am with you always: yes, to the end of time.
OFF: 608 Take my hands
(only link I could find, sorry)

Take my hands and make them as your own,
And use them for your kingdom here on earth,
Consecrate them to your care,
Anoint them for your service where,
You may need your Gospel to be sown.

Take my hands they speak now for my heart,
And by their actions they will show their love,
Guard them on their daily course,
Be their strength and guiding force,
To over serve the Trinity above.

Tak my hands I give them to you Lord,
Prepare them for the service of your name,
Open them to human need,
And by their love they'll sow your seed,
So all may know the love and hope you give,

Take my hands, take my hands O Lord.
HOLY HOLY: 556 Mass of Peace

Holy, holy, holy Lord
God of power and might
Heaven and earth are filled with your glory
Hosanna in the highest
Blessed is he who comes in the name of hte Lord
Hosanna in the highest

MEM. ACC: 557

COMM: 760 All Heaven Declares

All heaven declares the glory of the risen Lord
Who can compare with the beauty of the Lord?
Forever He will be (Forever He will be)
The Lamb upon the throne (The Lamb upon the throne)
I gladly bow the knee (I gladly bow the knee)
And worship Him alone

I will proclaim the glory of the risen Lord
Who once was slain to reconcile man to God
Forever You will be (Forever You will be)
The Lamb upon the throne (The Lamb upon the throne)
I gladly bow my knee (I gladly bow my knee)
And worship You alone
(Repeat verse 1 with descant)

Communion 2: 761 He is Lord
(Note: at the bottom of the lyrics page is a link to a midi file - click on it to listen.)

He is Lord, He is Lord
He has risen from the dead
And He is Lord
Every knee shall bow
Every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord

He is King, He is King
He has risen from the dead
And He is Lord
Every knee shall bow
Every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord

He is love, He is love
He has risen from the dead
And He is love
Every knee shall bow
Every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is love.
RECESSIONAL: 767 Majesty (with lyrics) (instrumental only)

Majesty worship His Majesty
Unto Jesus, be all glory, Power and praise
Majesty, Kingdom authority
Flow from His throne, Unto his own, His anthem raise.

So exalt, lift up on high the Name of Jesus
Magnify, come glorify, Christ Jesus the King
Majesty, worship His Majesty
Jesus who died, now glorified, King of all Kings.
(repeat verse 1 and 2 except last line)

Jesus who died, now glorified (2x)
King of all Kings!

Saturday, 16 May 2009

6th Sunday of Easter songs (1030 mass)

Our song list for this Sunday:

Entrance 293 Abba father send your spirit 293
480 Gloria (Gathering Mass)
710 Celtic Alleluia (Te Deum).
Offertory: 847 Oh Lord all the world belongs to you 847
Holy holy 481 Sanctus (Gathering Mass)
Memorial Acclamation 483 (Gathering Mass)
Communion 1: 920 A New Commandment
Comm 2: 866 I will be with you
Final: 722 Sing Hosanna (Give me joy in my heart)


Entrance 293 Abba father send your spirit

1. Abba, Father, send your Spirit
Glory, Jesus Christ
Abba, Father, send your Spirit
Glory, Jesus Christ

Glory hallelujah, glory Jesus Christ (2x)

2. I will give you living water
Glory, Jesus Christ
I will give you living water
Glory, Jesus Christ (Refrain)

3. If you seek me you will find me...
4. If you listen you will hear me...
5. Come, my children, I will teach you...
6. I'm your shepherd, I will lead you...
7. Peace I leave you, peace i give you...
8. I'm your life and resurrection...
9. Glory Father, glory spirit...


480 Gloria (Gathering Mass)
Glory, glory to God,
glory to God in the highest heav'ns
Peace, peace, peace on the earth,
peace to God's people, all people on earth

1. Lord God, heavenly King,
almighty God and Father
we worship you, we give you thanks,
we praise you for your glory (Refrain)

2. Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ,
only Son of the Father
Lord God, Lamb of God
You take away the sin of the world:
Have mercy, mercy on us. (All: repeat)

You are seated at the right hand,
at the right hand of the Father:
Receive, Lord, receive our prayer. (All: repeat)

3. For you alone are the Holy One,
You alone are the Lord
You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit,
In the glory, glory of God,
the glory of God the Father. (Refrain)

Cantor: Amen
All: Amen

710 Celtic Alleluia (Te Deum).

Offertory: 847 Oh Lord all the world belongs to you

O Lord, All the world belongs to You
and you are always making all things new
What is wrong You forgive,
and the new life You give
is what's turning the world upside down.

The world's only loving to its friends
but You have brought us love that never ends:
loving enemies too,
and this loving with You
is what's turning the world upside down.

This world lives divided and apart.
You draw us together and we start
in Your body to see
that in fellowship we
can be turning the world upside down.

The world wants the wealth to live in state,
but You show us a new way to be great;
Like a servant you came,
and if we do the same,
we'll be turning the world upside down.

O Lord, All the world belongs to You
and you are always making all things new
Send your Spirit on all
in your Church whom you call
to be turning the world upside down.

481 Sanctus (Gathering Mass)

Holy, holy, holy Lord
God of pow'r and God of might:
heaven and earth, heaven and earth
are full of your glory, your pow'r and might

Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest heav'ns.
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest heav'ns.

Blessed, blessed is he who comes; (2x)
Blessed, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord
483/484 Memorial Acclamation (Gathering Mass)

Pre-Communion hymn: 920 A New Commandment

Please note the lyrics in the verse are different on the video,

pls refer instead to the lyrics below:

A new commandment I give unto you,
That you love one another as I have loved you,
That you love one another as I have loved you.

By this shall all mankind know that you are my disciples,
if you have love one for another.
By this shall all mankind know that you are My disciples,
if you have love one for another.

(Repeat Refrain)


Comm 2: 866 I will be with you

I will be with you wherever you go
Go now throughout the world!
I will be with you in all that you say
Go now and spread my word!

1. Come walk with me on stormy waters
Why fear? reach out, and I'll be there

2. And you, my friend, will you now leave me,
or do you know me as yoru Lord?

3. Your life will be transformed with power
by living truly in My name

4. And if you say: 'Yes, Lord I love you'
then feed my lambs and feed my sheep.

Final: 722 Sing Hosanna (Give me joy in my heart)

Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising,
Give me joy in my heart, I pray, (Alleluia!)
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising,
Keep me praising 'till the break of day.

Sing hosanna, sing hosanna,
Sing hosanna to the King of kings!
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna,
Sing hosanna to the King.

Give me peace in my heart, keep me resting.
Give me peace in my heart, I pray, (Alleluia!)
Give me peace in my heart, keep me resting.
Keep me resting'till the end of day. (Refrain)

Give me love in my heart, keep me serving,
Give me love in my heart, I pray, (Alleluia!)
Give me love in my heart, keep me serving,
Keep me serving 'till the end of day. (Refrain)

Give my oil in my lamp, keep me burning,
Give me oil in my lamp, I pray, (Alleluia!)
Give my oil in my lamp, keep me burning,
Keep me burning 'till the end of day. (Refrain)

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

5th Sunday of Easter songs

Hi! Here are the songs for this Sunday's mass: (pls note that the song number of A new Commandment has been corrected)

Entrance: 697 Sing a new song unto the Lord


Sing a new song unto the Lord;
let your song be sung from mountains high.
Sing a new song unto the Lord, singing alleluia.

1. Yahweh's people dance for joy.
O come before the Lord,
and play for him on glad tambourines,
and let your trumpet sound. (Refrain)

2. Rise, O children, from your sleep;
your Saviour now has come.
He has turned your sorrow to joy
and filled your soul with song. (Refrain)

3. Glad my soul for I have seen
the glory of the Lord.
The trumpet sounds; the dead shall be raised.
I know my Saviour lives. (Refrain)


Gloria: 526 Coventry Gloria

Glory to God, glory in the highest, peace to his people peace on earth

(All: repeat)

Cantor/choir:Lord God, heavenly King, almighty God and Father
All: Glory to god, glory in the highest, peace to his people peace on earth

Cantor/choir: We worship you
All: glory in the highest
Cantor/choir: Give you thanks
All: glory in the highest
Cantor/choir: Praise you for your glory


Cantor/choir: Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Lord God, Lamb of God
You take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us
All: have mercy on us
Cantor/choir: You are seated at the right hand of the Father, receive our prayer
All: receive our prayer

Cantor/choir: For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord
You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God, the glory of God the Father

Cantor/choir: Amen (All: Amen)

Alleluia: 178 Halle halle Halle

In this clip the refrain & words of the verses are slightly different

This video clip has the same refrain as our Laudate, but the words & melody of the verses are different. Interesting to listen to for the instrumentals & percussion, though and the male 2nd voices.

We have a new verse this week, pls sing in the same melody as refrain.

Refrain: Halle halle Halle –luia ( 3 x) Halle-luia halle-luia

Make your home within me: I live in you (3 x)
Stay with me…and bear much fruit.
(repeat Refrain)


Offertory: 748 Unless a grain of wheat

I was only able to find a short clip for this but I hope you'll remember the melody for the verses:

Unless a grain of wheat shall fall upon the ground and die
it remains but a single grain with no life.

1. If we have died with him, then we shall live with him;
if we hold firm, we shall reign with him. (Refrain)
2. If any one serves me, then they must follow me;
wherever I am, my servants will be. (Refrain)
3. Make your home in me as I make mine in you;
those who remain in me bear much fruit.(Refrain)
4. If you remain in me and my word lives in you;
then you will be my disciples.(Refrain)
5. Those who love me are loved by my Father;
we shall be with them and dwell in them.(Refrain)
6. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you;
peace which the world cannot give is my gift. (Refrain)


Communion 1: 627 This is my body
(sorry, can't find an video or mp3 link. )

This is my body broken for you
bringing you wholeness, making you free
Take it and eat it and when you do
Do it in love for me.

This is my blood poured out for you
bringing forgiveness, making you free
Take it and eat it and when you do
do it in love for me.

Back to my Father soon I shall go
Do not forget me, then you will see
I am still with you, and you will know
you're very close to me.

Filled with my Spirit, how you will grow
You are my branches, I am the tree
If you are faithful, others will know
you are alive in me.

Love one another - I have loved you
and I have shown you how to be free
serve one another, and when you do
do it in love for me.


Comm 2: Come Receive Christ (sheet)

Sorry, only a sample mp3 clip available

Come to the table prepared for you
come with a heart that is humble and true
Come and be filled; with faith anew
come, receive Christ given for you

1. Lord Jesus, receive us who come to your table
faithful disciples who yearn to be fed
Lord Jesus, receive us. (Refrain:)

2.Lord hear us, be near us when troubles assail us.
Strengthen the weary, the frightened, the lost.
Lord hear us, be near us (Refrain:)

3. Lord feed us and lead us in ways everlasting. Be our companion each day of our lives.
Lord feed us, and lead us.(Refrain:)

4. Beside us, Lord guide us to serve one another,
caring for neighbor, for stranger, and friend
Beside us, Lord guide us. (Refrain:)

Come receive Christ given for you.


Final: 920 A new commandment

Please note the lyrics in the verse are different on the video, pls refer instead to the lyrics below:

A new commandment I give unto you,
That you love one another as I have loved you,
That you love one another as I have loved you.

By this shall all mankind know that you are my disciples,
if you have love one for another.
By this shall all mankind know that you are My disciples,
if you have love one for another.

(Repeat Refrain)